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Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

Hi Everyone!

As some of you may or may not know, The Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island was established way back in 1979! In the past six years we have not been very active as a group in the Labrador world, but that is about to change. With the help of several founding members and many new energetic members, we are beginning our quest for sanctioning as an AKC recognized club. We have been working hard the last several months to reorganize the club and planning some events.

We would like to invite you to our first Fun Match, to be held on Sunday, February 20, 2011. Not wanting to make this post too long I will direct you to the Info dog match link for more information.

If you can not join us, then we hope to see you at one of our future events. If you are interested in joining the club, or need any other information, please feel free to contact me.


Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

Nice going Michele and everyone involved for getting the club going again!!!


Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

I grew up in Hauppauge and would love to know if you guys are going to have a specialty? If you do I live in Ga now and would love to go if you do!!:-)

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island


We have to follow the steps to sanctioning and eventually will be able to hold a specialty. We plan to sponsor all the trophies at the Riverhead Kennel Club this summer, as we have numerous times since the club was created. We also hope to have breeder judges for those shows.

I will make sure to keep everyone posted as the club progresses. We have gotten alot of encouragement from others and thank them for their support!


Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

Wishing you and your club the best of luck, Michelle. It takes hard work and committment to get things going, and you have a great bunch of lab people out there on Long Island

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

Good luck to all of you and your club!


Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

Hi Michele,
I'll be at your 1st Hunt Test!

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island

Of course you will be there Gerrie, didn't I tell you that you're judging!

I can't wait for the first hunt test, but we have to take it one step at a time.

See you soon,