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New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Congratulations to Tanner, Ron & Jennifer Kelly on their new Champion ~

"CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Naruto is loved and owned by Tanner Kelly, along with breeders Ron and Jennifer and is out of CH Shadowbrook's Just Ducky x Belgairn Crystal Hart.

Congratulations to Tanner, Ron & Jennifer!!!

Love the Silva family

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Way to go Tanner!!!!

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Way to go Tanner!!! Congrats to you young man!
Congrats to Ron and Jennifer as well!

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Woo-hoo!!!!! Congratuations to Ron, Jennifer, and family. He's a lovely boy, with a beautiful pedigree.

It's been fun watching him grow up and I love that you have put some titles on the back-end.

I'm so happy for you!!

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

I was at the show and saw him take the win! He looked great. Jennifer did very well with all her dogs today! Congratulations!!!

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Congratulations Kelly family! He is a handsome dog! : )

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Congratulations, Tanner, Ron, and Jennifer! He's a beautiful boy and very deserving of that championship! Hope to see you guys soon!!!

. Julie (and Monty)

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Congrats Jen and family! I enjoyed watching him win. He looked great. Sorry I missed out on that winning margarita with you. Next time! Way to go.

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

Thank you! We appreciate all the positive comments and support from fellow exhibitors along the journey to Naruto's championship!

Our friends the Harts whelped the litter. When we went to visit, Ron and I chatted with Lisa and Tony before evaluating the litter. As we talked, our oldest son Tanner walked up with a puppy to inform us he evaluated the entire litter himself and the puppy he set into our arms was 1st pick. You can guess... this puppy is our Naruto!

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

How sweet is that?!!!

Re: New "CH Belgairn Hart Ranch Naruto, RN, CGC"

ROCK n ROLL Kelly gang!!! Naruto is a beautiful boy and his CH is well-deserved. I am pleased as punch for you.

Valerie Jones - Bibsmum