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weak pastern

I have a 4 month old pup with weak pasterns. Never having dealt with this issue before, can anyone offer insight or adivce as to causes, outlook/prognosis for future, treatments? It doesn't appear to bother her at all. No appearant pain, plays normaly etc, but it's very noticable. No known issues within the line. Previous litter siblings all normal, parents, grandparnts, etc. First time it's poped up, to my knowelge.


Re: weak pastern

Could be due to nutrition. What are you feeding?

Re: weak pastern

I have read that, but doesn't seem too likely as I've been feeding the same stuff for years and I've never encountered the problem before--even with littermates and other relatives. But, for the record, it's Purina One Large Breed Puppy. Her weight and coat are normal/healthy.

And before anyone says, don't talk to us talk to your vet, I do have a call into him, and am awaiting a reply. Just curious about others experiences.

Re: weak pastern

When a pup is teething they may go down on their pasterns - particularly in front. I would try to keep her off hard, slick surfaces, and avoid really rough play. Gravel underfoot, grass and natural terrain is helpful.

Re: weak pastern

NO BIG DEAL..puppies OFTEN go down on pasterns when they are CUTTING TEETH!!! When I see this I give PET TABS CALCIUM (has the A & D) balance. Two a day for a few months and all is it does't screw up hips or other joints.

Re: weak pastern

Try using "Sure Grow" for the next couple of should help.

Re: weak pastern

Vitamin C will help. Start with 250 mg a day and work up slowly to 500-1000. Loose stools are a sign your giving to much.

Re: weak pastern

NO BIG DEAL..puppies OFTEN go down on pasterns when they are CUTTING TEETH!!! When I see this I give PET TABS CALCIUM (has the A & D) balance. Two a day for a few months and all is it does't screw up hips or other joints.

Why are you shouting?

Re: weak pastern

I would be very careful supplementing any puppy with extra calcium.

Re: weak pastern

I agree the pup needs calcium. I used to use the Lambert Kay Cal D Trons. It won't hurt. Follow the directions on the bottle. Labs are not Large breed. I would switch it over to the ONE Lamb and Rice. My dogs don't do well at all on the Large Breed.

Re: weak pastern

If you are going to supplement I would do it carefully.

Vitamin C has to be given in smaller doses frequently and with vitamins E and A also as they work synergistically and more effective when taken together than separately.

If you are going to give extra calcium you also have to give extra (and the right amount) of potassium, manganese, iron and zinc or you will create more issues. Normally pastern problems are from improper (for that individual) amounts of one of these.

The growth of bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles isn't always in sync when a puppy is growing. Though your food is't bad, I would put the puppy on an adult food such as Canidae, Wellness or California Natural and feed three times a day and see if that helps over time. Keep the nails trimmed, strengthen the tendons by walking (not trotting) often but gently. Give it time and just be careful. Chances are it will get better as the pup matures.

From an outside post: "Your puppy drew the "genetic predisposition to weak pasterns" card by inheritance, and the food you feed can play a part in whether it presents itself or not, but the food does not cause it. Good nutrition can improve it, poor nutrition can worsen it, but the genetics for it to happen in the first place have to be present in order for it to occur."

Re: weak pastern

I had an 8 month old who was down in the pasterns. I was advised to suppliment with 500mg Ester-C, switch to a lower protein food, and feed from a raised bowl(enough for her to have to reach up over it, to flex and extend the muscles and tendons in the pastern area). Now a year and a half later, you wouldn't have ever thought she had a problem. It took about 3 months of this, and she was fully recovered and fine.

Re: weak pastern

"Why are you shouting? "

She's NOT= She is ENUNCIATING! That's how she SPEAKS

Re: weak pastern

THANK YOU... I thought I was HIGHTLIGHTING the important points....Yes, that's how I speak

Re: weak pastern

Writing in all capital letters (on the internet) is considered *shouting*, aggressive, and quite rude. You may use italics, or bold face to indicate emphasis. Try it, you might like it and others would appreciate it.

This is great advice from Simple Help

Instant Messaging Etiquette
Don’t type in all capital letters.
Typing in all capital letters on the Internet is considered rude because it is difficult to read and comes across as very aggressive (LIKE SHOUTING!). If you take away nothing from this ‘how-to’ other than knowing that typing in “caps” is widely despised on the Internet, consider it time well spent.

Here is the helpful link on *Netiquette*

Re: weak pastern

Linda Curpier
Try using "Sure Grow" for the next couple of should help.
