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Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

I am whelping a litter with a bitch that usually has no troble at all delivering.

Has anyone ever had this happen?

We had a couple of pups and the third was larger and very stuck. I walked the dam, palpated and rotated te pup as it was coming out upside down (throat up) and after it was repositioned I reached up several times to try and hook my fingers around the head. I noticed her vaginal shute was swelling. By the time I got the puppy out (it is fine by the way) her shute is very very swollen and I am worried she will have a hard time getting even a smaller puppy out.

I have put some ice on her and left her alone back there and also applied a slimy clear substance that the vet gave us last year when the same thing happened to a different bitch that had to be hand delivered every 4-6 hours. Dextrose? It was something like that? I don't remember the name.

Anything more I can do for her? Anyone else have this trouble?

I called my vet and she is out of town and the e-room is full and told me not to bring her in until after 9 pm tonight as they have several people in the waiting room including a parvo case and 3 HBC's.

Thanks for any insight!

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

I think she needs to see a vet. I realize your E vet is packed but keep looking for another one. 9 pm is too long to wait for help. there has to be another that you can drive to- even if its 1-2 hours away you will still get there before 9pm!!!

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

That happened because of excessive manipulation. If she needs more hand help, I would take her to the e-clinic.

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

I iced it a bit and applied the dextrose and it has gone down already by half. I did locate another clinic but they are more than 2.5 hours away. I really don't want to take her somewhere where they have parvo in the waiting room but you just never know where it is anyways.

Thanks for the help. Looks like we are doing OK again and she is almost back to normal.

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

You can't be too sure or safe? Please take her to another Vet that doesn't have the Parvo. I think you said its the one you can't see until 9:00? Go to another one ASAP as you might continue to have problems and there are more pups at stake and the Mommy her self!

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

If you have a syringe or a pipette try pushing some ky jelly in the vaginal canal as that will help the puppies slip out easier. Whenever you need to try and help manipulate a puppy out be sure and use lots of lube or you create the issue you have now - swelling and drying. Good luck!

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

It's absolutely critical that you have a vet determine whether you have a swelling/drying problem, as Liz mentioned, or if you have a partial prolapse.

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

Wondering what you decided to do and how your girl is doing. Praying all is well.

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

I too am very worried about your girl? Please let us know everything has turned out fine? Praying for a good outcome.

Re: Whelping Emergency Question! Please Read N Help!

Prayers for you too