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Xray vs Reality?

My girl is about to whelp her first litter (mine too). She is due this Saturday and had an xray today. Here's my question, more of a poll...

If you xray your girls before whelping, how often is the # you see in the film different than the actually puppies in there?

I am aware that they can hide, but thought it would be fun to hear about your xray vs reality experiences.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

Last two litters the x-ray was right on.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

I always take an xray - usually right on but on occassion it can be off by one puppy either way.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

X-Rays are most often pretty accurate. Best of luck with you and your girl!

Re: Xray vs Reality?

Our pre whelping x rays have been exactly right every time.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

The x-rays we took within 2-3 days of whelp were very easy to see spines/skulls. The pups were all lined up and ready to go and we only missed one hidden pup.

The time we did the x-ray a week ahead of time it was a jumbled mess and very hard to count. We were close, but thought there were more than there were because we couldn't trace every spine directly to a skull so we guessed...

Re: Xray vs Reality?

I quit doing xrays, when I had a bitch deliver 11 puppies , three days after the xray /Vet said she was NOT pregnant. And that was $150 for that valuable Vet advice !
Don't really bother with them anymore. When you consider that you take a possilby pregnant bitch into a germ cess pool Vet office, to have the xray done, and then get those kind of results, no just doesn't seem worth it.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

breeder 25
When you consider that you take a possilby pregnant bitch into a germ cess pool Vet office, to have the xray done, and then get those kind of results, no just doesn't seem worth it.

I apologize for going a bit off topic here - but I'm curious as to why we worry so much about vet offices (and I do too!) when a pregnant woman would never think twice about a doctor's office or hospital. Are we just worrywarts?

Last time, my X-ray was off by 1. I have a bitch in whelp now and will be x-raying fro this litter as well.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

Danger of vet offices
breeder 25
When you consider that you take a possilby pregnant bitch into a germ cess pool Vet office, to have the xray done, and then get those kind of results, no just doesn't seem worth it.

I apologize for going a bit off topic here - but I'm curious as to why we worry so much about vet offices (and I do too!) when a pregnant woman would never think twice about a doctor's office or hospital. Are we just worrywarts?

Last time, my X-ray was off by 1. I have a bitch in whelp now and will be x-raying fro this litter as well.

Some pregnant women do worry - I for one. My high school teacher's newborn contracted bacterial menangitis in the nursery and therefore never was able to walk. I have birthed at home with a midwife - very typical as an RN - most of the midwife's clientele were nurses, doctors or their wives, chiropractor's or their wives, or Attorneys :) So many of the medically educated do worry about doctors offices and hospitals!

Re: Xray vs Reality?

I agree. I won't risk my pregnant girl entering a vets office and the stress of putting her up on a table. Nope. She stays home and stays safe. I've had x-rays be off too so why bother. I can tell when she is done.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

I would have quit going to that vet. He obviously didn't know how to read an xray. I can read an xray with puppies.

You need to be careful. Don't take your bitch and leave her in one of thier crates. Leave her in the car and take her in when they are ready for her. You have to use common sense when you take ANY animal to the vet.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

Mne have all been 100% accurate.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

2 Litter, both +1 based on the xray.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

Mine were right on and I had rather have the small risk than have a mom with 3 huge pups she can not get out. I want to know. MHO of course.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

My vet and I usually get it exactly, but last time we missed two. We saw 8 and she had 10. The size of the litter would be a factor. It is more likely to get an accurate count inn a small litter than in a big one. That said, we hit it on the nose in a litter of 12. Re: not doing the X-ray because of the risks involved in visiting a vet. I have never had a pregnant girl or puppy get sick because of a visit to a vet, but I have lost puppies that might have been saved because I was sure Mom was done when she wasn't and left her to do something else, only to come back and find a dead puppy that might have been saved if I had been there to stimulate the breathing. And yes, if I had an X-ray taken in the last week of pregnancy, was told she was not pregnant and she had even one puppy, I would find another vet!

Re: Xray vs Reality?

18+ years, 6 litters and all X Rays are right ON. If you can't read the X rays for spines and skulls, get a new vet who knows how to use the machines.

I don't worry about taking my dog to the vet, I have far bigger worries in life than that.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

18+ years, 6 litters and all X Rays are right ON. If you can't read the X rays for spines and skulls, get a new vet who knows how to use the machines.

I don't worry about taking my dog to the vet, I have far bigger worries in life than that.

I dumped an older vet and her antique xray equipment when she told me she counted 5 and there were 12. All survived, a good thing I had my wits about me b/c she did take a short break after 5. I knew there were more and felt the other 7 moving. If in doubt just move on.

I now have prewhelp radiographs done 1st thing in the morning before other patients come in. With the newer animal hospital it's done digitally and right on the no.'s.

Re: Xray vs Reality?

This made me laugh... I rarely x-ray unless I suspect a VERY small litter or that I might need a c-section.

Last year, I had a bitch that I was actually hoping had a false pregnancy. Took her in for an x-ray and they saw only 1 puppy. So, booked a c-section. While we were doing the section, my Vet said "how many were there again?", I said "one". He said "Bonus baby", there were actually 2. Three Vets and two techs then pulled the digital x-ray to try to "find" the extra puppy. No one could! Just God's way of saying at least you got the c-section paid for, I guess...


Leslee Pope

Re: Xray vs Reality?

My vet is usally right on in his count.