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contract for using frozen semen

I have a friend that raises Goldens that is inquiring about a contract for using frozen semen on outside bitches. Does anybody have one that she could copy?

Private email is fine.

Re: contract for using frozen semen

Unless the semen is being used immediately, and agreement is treated as if it were fresh chilled, you have very little control. Technically you are selling the semen and transferring the rights to use this on any bitch the owner desires. The new owner of the semen also "owns" the frozen and therefore can also sell the frozen to anyone they desire if they do not use it. You might want to contact Clone or ICSB for suggestions on how they have seen contracts work.

Re: contract for using frozen semen

I don't understand what you are saying. Why would this be any different than a stud service with live semen?

Re: contract for using frozen semen

Some people purchase frozen semen with the intention of using it in the future, not right away. That is why I made the distinction in my first sentence in my previous post.
IF it is being used right away there is potentially no difference from using fresh/chilled.
IF it is being sold to be used in the future there are other things to think about.
Hope that makes it clearer.

Re: contract for using frozen semen

Yes, that's what I wanted to know. Thank you.

I will let her copy my contract and adapt it to her kennel.