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Bloodclot in bladdar

One of my labs was having trouble urinating. The ultrasound showed bloodclots or as described the inner wall of the bladdar was covered with a bloodclot. They are trying to flush it out with a salene solution and heperon. My vet is calling other vets he knows and specialists, but so far hasn't found a treatment.
Has anyone heard of this or knows of any treatment for this?

Re: Bloodclot in bladdar

I am sorry that your dog is having this problem. I hope that it has cleared up somewhat today under the vet's care.
If not, and no obvious injury, such as a fall or a horse kick or another accident has taken place, consider other things than infection.
Did vet send some of this out to test for bladder cancer, although it is not so common in Labs as in Scotties, etc.? If it is that, I will mention this. Saw a show on a newer treatment that is successful, sometimes for years, and tucked it in the back of my mind for Cesky Terrier friends I have, as the breed is related to Scotties.

There are also medications.

Hope it is just a bad urinary tract infection that clears up quickly, and not bladder cancer.

Re: Bloodclot in bladdar

After 3 ultrasounds and biopsys the doctors say it is definitly not cancer.
He is on Baytril and he is being neutered this morning since they saw his prostate enlarging.
They do not know why he has these blood clots or where they come from after many tests.
They are saying idiopathic and we may never know.
I guess another medical mystry,

Re: Blood clot in bladder

Glad that they have a course of action and that it is not cancer. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Re: Blood clot in bladder

When my girl was around 11 she was haveing bladder problems. Checked for infection with urine sample, none found. Did ultrasound- saw what looked like a "clot" on the inside wall of the bladder- it was a lesion. Most of the cancerours lesions look more like a mushroom with a stem coming off the bladder wall. This just looked like a clot. She was on antibiotics for a couple of months, but it cleared. Good luck! BTW, I wouldn't mess around with the regular vet guessing, I would go to a specialist.

Re: Blood clot in bladder

He saw 2 specialists. They both said bloodclots and not cancer. They just don't know why he is getting them. He has had 3 other incidents in the past 3 years. Trouble urinating, doctors do tests and then back to normal.
There is one more thing. He is a waterholic. -That's what one doctor called it. Tests done for that, too. Nothing shows up.