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Low Blood Sugar

Has anyone had a bitch who came in season and had an episode where she has low blood sugar? Weak legs, shaking but doesn't loose focus. Once fed is fine.

If so have you gone on to breed this bitch?

Re: Low Blood Sugar

Why do you think it's low blood sugar?

Re: Low Blood Sugar

need more cookies
Has anyone had a bitch who came in season and had an episode where she has low blood sugar? Weak legs, shaking but doesn't loose focus. Once fed is fine.

If so have you gone on to breed this bitch?

Have you had a work up on your girl? The symptoms you describe could be a variety of things from EIC to mild seizure. I would seek a vet for a diagnosis not a forum.

Re: Low Blood Sugar

I would also get her thyroid checked

Re: Low Blood Sugar

I had a male do this. He started around 2 1/2 yrs of age. He would go down but remain focused and alert but could not walk. This would last for a short period of time and then he would recover and he would be fine. We had blood panels done on him and all were normal...and he was EIC clear. They started happening more frequently as he aged and ended up diagnosing it as a form of epilepsy since he had a daughter do the same thing. Both were neutered/spayed. His breeder was consulted and she felt strongly that it was epilepsy so I have a feeling it has come up in the line before.

I would run a blood panel and thyroid. Really all you can do is wait and see. I personally would not breed from this bitch until I could confirm that the collapse was due to another issue or difinately rule out epilepsy. JMHO

Re: Low Blood Sugar

Thyroid is normal. Vet appointment has been made but thought I would pick your collective minds to be better informed when I went to the vets. When making the call to the vet he suggested it was low blood sugar.

Re: Low Blood Sugar

I'm going to say that low blood sugar is a symptom of a bigger problem, not that it is the problem.
Could be Addisons Disease, or any number of things, look for the bigger picture, not just low blood sugar, something else is causing that.