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6 day old puppy! HELP!

Don't know who to ask but I have a 6 day old litter of pups. They were born 5 days earlier than the first possible due date. I lost the smallest girl at 2 days. She did not appear to have a working digestive system. All else has seemed fine until 2 hours ago.
I was checking each pup and the biggest boy had milk all over his face and is constantly crying. His poop is fine, his urine looks good. I am stumped and don't know what could be wrong. Will take him to the vet but that usually doesn't go to well. Sub Q fluids and a puzzled look. Does anyone have suggestions? Could she have stepped on him and injured him internally? He appears normal except for the milk on face and the crying. He will not nurse. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, CLaudia

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Have you checked for cleft palate?

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

He may have over ate. I've had puppys do this before

burp the baby, Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

In my experience: She could have had a huge letdown of milk and he got too much too fast. Or he spit up. As long as he didn't aspirate, he may be okay soon. Do you have baby simethicone drops? Try a couple of them, taking the dose down to a level appropriate to his weight, after reading the package. A couple drops maybe. I hope that it is just a gassy, colicy baby who will soon feel better. Let us know how he does. We had one puppy cured by the simethicone and a babysitting teenager who burped the baby up on her shoulder. He's 4 years old now. Then there are the other litters. . .
Just in case, do you have any clavamox or amoxi drops in the house and an okay of when to use them?

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Couls be a small cleft, but I doubt it if he made it this far. Sounds like he might be overeating or he may not have a well developed digestive system. I am Def. for the Vet! I would not wait too long. Best of luck.

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Checked that right after birth on clefts

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Don't have the drops but son is on the way to the pharmacy! I am steady burping! I put the litter on Clavamox after I lost the little girl. Thanks for the advice! I am so worried!

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Did your vet suggest Clavamox? It often causes vomiting.

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

I think of esophageal atresia. I had a pup with this and he'd have milk all over his face after drinking and wouldn't want to drink for awhile- probably because of the irritation of milk in the airway passages. He lived a week before the symptoms really showed. We had to put him down. I hope this is not not true for you and that you find a solution.

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Yes, the vet suggested the Clavamox because of the loss of the puppy and the fear of a possible issue from the early birth and delivery. I have followed stools close to make sure they did not become loose. They have been fine! I think the overeating was the issue. Gave the "gas" drops and have held the baby for the last few hours. Crying has stopped and puppy seems fine. Just laid in with Mom and siblings and all are quiet! Thanks to everyone for helping!

burp the baby, Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Thanks so much for the help! I am hoping you hit the nail on the head and will keep you posted! Got the drops and burped and rocked for the last few hours! Baby is quiet now and sleeping with the litter. I will keep all posted and I can't thank you enough!

Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

I think it was overeating too! Seemed strange the biggest puppy would fade on me! Seems great now! Thanks for the help! Keep you posted!

morning report? was burp the baby, Re: 6 day old puppy! HELP!

Glad that he finally felt better last night. How are the pups doing this morning?