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Has anyone gotten into it with InGen and gotten a refund? On the guarantee that your results will be done in 45 days or your money will be refunded and results still be given? Sent in samples for 2 labs. Have gotten the EIC result & no DM on one and DM result & no EIC on the other and about a week apart?
Not sure what I was thinking giving InGen the "benefit of the doubt"? Thinking I will go on to another company.......DDC maybe

Re: InGen...refunds

I got an apology, the results (tho late) and a free replacement test. I'd consider that a refund.

Re: InGen...refunds

fall 2009 I was issued a refund after they failed to issue me results after several months.

Re: InGen...refunds

I had a couple of coupons I won on the LLL auction. For Ingen .They were pretty quick for me. But DDC is quicker.And plan on staying with DDC.Very nice to deal with.