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Exclusive/Infinia users?

My local feed and grain store carries this and sells a lot more of it than any other food. Exclusive is like a Pro Plan line and the Infinia is no wheat/corn and has a few grain free formulas as well. Anyone?

Re: Exclusive/Infinia users?

I fed Pro Plan for over 20 years. However with all the quality problems and problems I saw in my dogs over the last year or so, I switched to PMI Exlusive.

PMI (Purina Mills Inc) is the animal feed branch that did NOT get sold to Nestle. The formulators of Exclusive brand are apparently the ones who originally developed Pro Plan.

No more orange coats on my chocolates, no dry skin, no feeding more and more to maintain body condition.

I feed everyone Exclusive performance, even my 16-yr old Scarlett (smaller amount for her of course!).

Love it! It is also what the trainers I work with use for their personal dogs (Goldens) and their client dogs.