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crazy heat

Ok here goes....
I have a bitch that I recently got back to breed....she is 2 1/2 has had normal cycles up to now....
The normal is 7 months apart... last heat came in at 5 months normal bleeding. This current heat came in at 6 months later.
Day 1 very little spotting of blood and for the 1st week very dark brown pretty much every day just not much of it. Took her for her 1st progesterone day 7 of blood pl was .9 took her on day 10 pl was .2 still very little spotting...she is still "spotting" dark brown...I have never had a bitch do this.... I take her back Monday for her 3rd pl to see if she has moved any.
There has been no change in her diet or activity or life style. She is very comfortable here.
The only thing I know that has transpired is her family vet gave her a Proheart 6 month injection back in Sepetmeber after her last heat. I cringed when I was told this was done That was 5 months ago.
Love to hear if anyone has experienced anything like this.......
Any thoughts????

Re: crazy heat

Had a bitch that did this crazy thing too. Her base line Progesterone was .5 , I did 5 more blood draws 3 days apart with same day results, and she was up and down for 2 weeks, then went out of season altogether. A week later she came back in , did 4 more progesterone tests with same day results, [ r u getting the total of testing and the cost yet?] , she got to 1.3 and I had to go out of state. I left her with some good friends that said they would breed her untill she would not allow it . They did, she was there 10 days , she conceived , had 7 puppies . She laid on 3 of them, raised the remaining 4. Was a very mediocre mother , I spayed and placed her. And was happy to see her go. [ moral to story, God has a reason for these things , pay attention]

Re: crazy heat

Keep in mind there are such things as split seasons. So maybe that is what is going on - if she stops bleeding and progesterone stays down- keep an eye on her to come back in. According to Hutch they generally will ovulate in the second part of the split.

I had a girl that went up and down, I spent over $400 on progesterone testing. When she reached day 16 I really began to worry, but continued to do the testing since she never went above 3. Finally on day 21 she reached 5. Of course we got the results on Saturday - no Sunday or Monday shipment. Since the male I was using was out of state, a friend and I decided to do a road trip. She went on to have 8 beautiful puppies, 7 males and 1 female. First time mother, and was wonderful! Her second litter was normal for progesterone, with breeding on day 11 resulting in 5 pups 3 males and 2 females. So don't give up hope. Good things come to those who wait!