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The ring test

I did it a couple of times a couple of weeks ago. The ultrasound had shown 5-6 puppies. All I could see with the ring test was 1 girl and all boys. My girl just had 6 boys and 1 girl!

Re: The ring test

LOL, I did it on my pregnant girl at least 4 times and it came out the same each time 8 pups, 2 boys and 6 girls. She just had them last week and there were only 2 boys. So you know what I say about that stupid test? I say that I am the stupid one for even trying it.

Re: The ring test

Has anyone ever tried this on a spayed or non pregnant girl? I just tried it on my almost three week pregnant girl and it definitely showed some girls and some boys. Just wondering if it would do the same thing on a non pregnant girl and burst my bubble

Re: The ring test

To see this done on video to see the proper way to do it if anyone can film it and post.

Re: The ring test

I've tried it on non pregnant girls and it may swing over their ovaries, spayed girls it doesn't. As for the litter that had no girls, it may have been that they resorbed, I know I had a bitch that we could tell when she was resorbing her pregnancy with one stud that I had used over and over, final litter with a different stud dog and I predicted 2 boys and 1 girl and that's what she had.

Unless you have an ultrasound to correlate what is in there, which I did with my girl that had resorbed halfway through, there isn't any "scientific" proof, but remember that not all eggs fertilized make it to the end. Our litter a year ago I predicted 8, about 5 weeks into it our girl had some bleeding and I was sure she was resorbing the litter, she ended up with 6 and there were 2 puppies that had passed on, one pretty early as it was mummified and the other a little later.I was aware that the energy for the remaining puppies was strong so I knew all was not lost.
My keeper is a year old today!

Re: The ring test--a different spin

Just heard this one today. You can tell how many children you have had and their sexes, includes miscarriages (I would think you must be so far along when it happened), and future children and their sexes.
With this test you hold the ring over your wrist. it will circle then go either back and forth sideways for for a girl, or back and forth in the direction of hand to arm if it's a boy. Then it will circle again before telling you what the next child is. When it is done it will stand still and not move. First thing I thought was oh boy what a wives tales this one has to be !!! But went ahead and tried it anyways just for fun. Much to my surprise it was accurate and right on. I'm spayed now so knew there wasn't future kids, had four children and two miscarriages. The test said it accurately and in the right order. I had my daughter in law do the test on me first just in case when doing the test on yourself maybe there is some sway in the swing of the ring LOL She didn't know about the miscarriages I had ( I was far enough along so I knew the sexes). The test results were accurate. So I did the test again on myself...same results. We did the test on her and it was accurate for the children she's had, also say she would have one more girl..we'll see how that goes. Don't know how a test like this could even possibly work, but it did. Have some fun and give it a try

Re: The ring test

Has anyone ever tried this on a spayed or non pregnant girl? I just tried it on my almost three week pregnant girl and it definitely showed some girls and some boys. Just wondering if it would do the same thing on a non pregnant girl and burst my bubble

I did this on a spayed girl and the ring wouldn't swing!
My pregnant girl had her pups and she had 2 girls less than the test so maybe the two extra girls that the ring showed were her ovaries? US showed 9 and she had 9, with the ring test I counted 11.

The ring test

At what week do you do this? Will it matter? My girl is just a 1-1/2 wks. Is that too early?

Re: The ring test

I tried it at day 31 and the ring was swinging like crazy. I tried again last week about day 40 and it didn't swing at all. Curious to see what happens...