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Best Heartworm Preventative?

I have two older labs, and then a 17 week old pup. We do a lot of off-leash walking and sometimes the dogs get into the neighbor's horse's poop (either when we walk by their paddocks, or they find it where the neighbors trial ride).

I have always used HeartGuard, but my older dogs missed their dose this month.

I'm wondering what seems most effective? If it is the HeartGuard, we'll stick with it, and I'll start the pup on it.

I know sometimes I'll have to de-worm for tapeworm, by using a different product, as most heartworm meds don't also protect against tapes (although do protect against most common intestinal worms).

Any suggestions? I'm just very worried about them getting worms, though not really heartworm, per say.

Also, at what age to most people start puppies on a heartworm med?

Thank you!

Re: Best Heartworm Preventative?


Re: Best Heartworm Preventative?

Its been a while but I think pups are started at 16 weeks of age (without needing to be tested first)

Re: Best Heartworm Preventative?

Yes, I just started a pup at 16 weeks. I give interceptor year-round.