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re:male to male agression

Scenario is as follows: A 15 month old male{intact} is sold and was fine in behavior with other males (15 month old is the youngest dog there.). Within last several months the male is starting to fight with the older males. This dog is now 21 months old and is being housed in a seperate outside kennel. The owner is not sure what to do with him. He has shown well and is a Jr. Ch. in his now home country. Any medical, issues he should be concerned with or check out? He told me no behavior problems when he is present, but the kennel has a camera inside so he can see what is happening from the house. Always when no other human is preent? What can be done? Overall demeanor was always very pleasant. Thnks for any replies, ideas in advance.

Re: re:male to male agression

With all due respect, this is an issue that MUST be handled by someone who can actually see the behavior. If you will contact me privately and tell me where the dog is, I will see if I can find a behaviorist in the dog's area.

Re: re:male to male agression

Thanks Kate. Please include your email.

Re: re:male to male agression