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Removing old blood from bedding

I just found some sheets that my girl must have slept on while in heat. I've tried oygenated bleach, hydrogen peroxide and shampoo - no luck.

Any ideas before I toss them?

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

Bleach pen?

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

Resolve Laundry Stain Remover

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

Old blood bank trick -- hydorgen peroxide. Just pour or dab it straight on -- it will foam up and then just blot off. Will not bleach out color.


Re: Removing old blood from bedding

I keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on hand....when I have blood spots....I spray them.....rub a little dish liquid in and the blood stains usually come right out. The hyrdrogen peroxide does not come with a spray I save a top from a spray window works like a charm !!

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

The hydrogen peroxide isn't working, unfortunately. First time I've had that happen. The sheets are coloured, so bleach pen is out, but I will give the resolve a try!

Thanks, all!

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

I soak in cold water overnight and scrub with dish detergent. I don't have much luck with commercial stain removers, maybe it's my hard water. Hydrogen peroxide sounds promising, thanks.

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

Try hairspray. Wet the stain thoroughly with it. You might have to soak for awhile, or add some detergent and scrub/rub at the stain. Add some water if needed - just keep working it. It'll work best if the fabric hasn't gone through the dryer yet, but I've had success with that, too. Just takes more elbow grease :-) I buy a cheap bottle just for the laundry - it takes out permanent marker, ink, all kinds of things.

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

If its old may be the reason its not working.

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

The Oxi-Clean one gets out blood no matter how old. Since there are many brands and I forgot which one I used, you would need to read the (small) bottle and make sure it's the one that removes old, set-in blood. You need to really follow the directions. Last year my girl bled heavily on my sheets and down comforter. I waited days before I washed anything. My sister told me to use the Oxi-Clean and it got every bit of blood out of my sheets and comforter. This stuff is amazing!

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

OxiClean is wonderful for blood stains. Simple Solution or Nature's Miracle typically works on blood, also.

Re: Removing old blood from bedding

I soak old blood in cold water for about 15 minutes, then rub the blood area, then spray Oxiclean laundry stain remover on the spots. It removes the stains in a matter of minutes.