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Labrador Trivia Night at Potomac

I have been asked to host the labrador trivia night on Tuesday, April 12 at the Potomac Specialty show.

If anyone is interested in taking part in the trivia contest they can do so by putting together a team consisting or 3 or 4 persons. You would need to come up with a creative name for your team and register your team with me. I would need the name of your team and the persons included in your team.

I am also requesting if anyone is interested to please submit questions along with the answers so that I may use these for the trivia contest. The questions can be about anything pertaining to labradors; dogs, people, shows, kennels, etc. Example: who was the first breeder/handler to win at Potomac?

This contest should be alot of fun for all who participate and for those of you who just want to watch from the audience.

Everyone will have a chance to participate including those members of the audience who will get to show off their knowlegde of the history of our breed.

So I hope that we can make this event a huge success and make it a part of the potomac show every year.

There will be prizes awarded for those who participate in this event.

I am asking that you submit your teams to me no later than April 1st so that we can get an estimate on the amount of teams to participate in this event.

Look forward to seeing the questions and answers that you all will be submitting for this contest.

Look forward to seeing all of you at the show.

Tony Ciprian -

Re: Labrador Trivia Night at Potomac

Where is this going to take place, the atrium?