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Puppy that was crying

Just wanted to thanks EVERYONE that helped me last Thursday with the crying puppy that I was so worried about! I went to the drug store and got the "gas drops" for babies, burped and rubbed and the puppy was almost instantly fine!! Clearly he overate! So happy he is ok and thanks to you all! This is a great forum!

Re: Puppy that was crying

Thanks for the update & wonderful news!!

Re: Puppy that was crying

...that the puppy is doing better.

Your post is the reason I wade through all the negative posts that make an appearance here occasionally . More often than not, there are pearls of wisdom from others who have had experience with your question/situation.

Thanks, also, for taking the time to write to say the puppy is better. So glad to hear it!

Re: Puppy that was crying

What a relief! I was worried that he hadn't made it through the night after all when we didn't hear a morning report. Glad to have been of help. Enjoy the sweet litter!

Re: Puppy that was crying

Thanks again to everybody! And boy did I learn something very valuable!! The milk on the face looked like it had thrown up and the crying was brutal! Those drops were like a miracle I will never forget!

Re: Puppy that was crying

I am glad the baby is doing better -- I have been in the same situation and the drops are miracle workers!


Re: Puppy that was crying

How refreshing to hear it was only overeating by the puppy. Mum must have rich milk or a large supply of it and he went to town.

I'm happy it was nothing more than that. You got excellent advice. I've never used simethicone for pups only for infants on the advice of our pediatrician. It helped colic in infants which resolved as the baby got older.

You might want to watch this pup particularly when nursing and allow others to get in there when he seems to have had his fill.

I hope you can relax now.