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Another Blood Stain Question

Saw the post on blood stains… I have a non-lab question…
My knee bled on the bed mattress very badly. Had an accident and was sure I had the mattress pad on.
NOT! I tried everything but Clorox and Hydrogen Peroxide (HP). Will HP work on an old blood stain? I’m not due for a new mattress for 2-3 years … Just hate to spend that money now. Thanks for your help

Re: Another Blood Stain Question

Resolve Laundry Stain Remover

Re: Another Blood Stain Question

I've never tried it on a mattress, but I have used this many times on my carpet and can't imagine why it wouldn't work the same way. I think I got this recipe here on this forum.

Sprinkle a light layer of table salt over your stain and then pour just enough peroxide (should be a fresh bottle, not old) on top of the salt. Voila! It's GONE. I was so skeptical when I first tried this but it works like a charm. Our first pups are always born in our family room and then I move momma and baby into our whelping room for the remainder of the litter. I never have any trouble removing the blood stain, and often it's not until the next day or so before I can get to it. I was so thankful to whomever it was that shared this little gem of a tip. Good luck.

Re: Another Blood Stain Question

Why not just turn the mattress over.

Re: Another Blood Stain Question

Try the HP -- I am sure it will work.


Another Blood Stain Question

Thank you all! I have a pillow top mattress (which I will never buy again) so I can't turn over.

Re: Another Blood Stain Question

Are you sure? I have a pillow top mattress and the "pillow" is on both sides.

Another Blood Stain Question

I wish I had the pillow on both sides. Not in my case! Thanks tho!

Re: Another Blood Stain Question

Are you sure? I have a pillow top mattress and the "pillow" is on both sides.

The new mattresses, pillowtop or not do not get flipped over. All you need do is turn head to foot, foot to head.

I happen to love the concept. It doesnt take 4 people to flip the mattress anymore

A good mattress will have a long, full guaranty. If it sinks more then a certain amount on 1 or both sides, they do replace it. A relative just had hers replaced without the company viewing it. They had her send photographs of sinkage b/c this mattress had a bad history of the same happening.

So, even pillowtops don't get flipped over if bought in the past 5 or less years depending on the brand. Beautyrest began it even earlier.

I buy a cover with an extra guaranty. If they can't get out a stain, they replace the entire mattress.

Stained or scraped mattresses can not be returned under regular guaranty. If the boxspring is different, it works that way also.

Boy do the mattress manufacturers have us over a barrel sometimes, don't they? I hate buying a new mattress for any room in my house.