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Yeast Infection on skin

I am trying to help a cocker spanial for a friend of mine he has a yeast infection of the skin and the pigment has turned very dark. Any suggestions for some help? I have also suggested a food change.

Re: Yeast Infection on skin

Has the vet done a skin scraping to be sure its yeast (fungus) and not bacteria? A culture may need to be done for exact diagnosis.


apple cider viniger (organic with "mother")(helps fight yeast) topically and orally (1 tbsp daily in food with water added to cut the bite)

Alfalfa is an antifungal and antibacterial.

Virgin coconut oil may help.

Perhaps grain free food?

Re: Yeast Infection on skin

We used to use a horse vet who told us she uses 1 part bleach to 10 parts water for any skin issues on both horses and dogs. She has owners apply every 8 hours (3X/day).

Before using this vet, we had lots of ringworm problems when it was warm and moist in late spring when practicing for hunt tests. Since this advice, we've never had a skin issue that the bleach solution did not clear.