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Whelping box time

How much time does your bitch spend in the whelping box when her babies are one week old?

.....two weeks old?


Re: Whelping box time

1 week - I must drag my girls out to go potty
2 weeks - Only a little encouragement is needed to leave
3 weeks - 50% of the day and 100% at night
4 weeks - 10% day Are you kidding Mom? Those kids have teeth! 100% night
5 weeks - Mom tells me when it is time to start weaning, occasional visits with latched on standing up pups!
6 weeks - sporatic nursing, mostly play time
7 weeks - Mom is a tolerant teacher and seldom lets them nurse
8 weeks - Mom will cuddle and play but more interested in sharing the puppies toys!

Re: Whelping box time

Depends on the bitch. Mine want to be in with their babies all the time in the fist week. I take them out to potty and they can't wait to get back in there. In decreases gradually but they are still spending quite a bit of time in there the second week - all night actually.

Re: Whelping box time

Also, by 3 weeks, their toenails will need attention. They are like claws and the mother is reluctant to let them nurse.

Whelping box time

Gail, what do you cut their nails with?

Re: Whelping box time

I clip the nails with human fingernail clippers.

Re: Whelping box time

I start clipping nails when puppers are about 4 days old. Then every 4 or 5 days, as long as they are nursing.

Re: Whelping box time

Ditto to what she said!!!