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Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

Have any of you had a male that got so frustrated with girls in heat that he periodically got engorged and bled? I have an older boy, 9 1/2; the penis is IN the sheath but I've found him engorged like a rock, dripping blood from the penis. He is urinating and when he goes down, the bleeding stops immediately. I've "heard" that this is not uncommon but I've never seen it in over 20 years, getting concerned.

Any help???? Should I be panicky? Anything I can do to help him? He has been eating and doesn't act in pain at all.

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

Hey Jenny! Sorry I missed your call the other day. Have you had his prostate checked?? I know it can be an issues with these older guys.

Poor boy!

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

Sounds to me like he should get an ultrasound of his bladder and prostate. It doesn't sound normal to me. Hope he's O.K. I had a 10 year old come down with bladder cancer a few years ago.

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

I had this happen with a 2-3 yr. old Fr. Brittany. I went out to clean kennels one day, and his kennel was covered in blood drops.....I mean covered!!! Took him to the vet, and the vet pulled back the sheath, and you could see a tiny broken blood vessel. I thought no way that would be it, but he said it was. It stopped and never happened again. Never had had it happen before!!

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

Did you have girls in heat at the time? Ever see him walking around engorged? That's what I've heard is that they can get engorged enough to break blood vessels and some think it's not a big thing. But it's happened now twice in two days.

That said, it has me very concerned and, yes, my new reporductive specialist suggested the possibility of a prostrate problem. Luckily, he doesn't appear to have ANY discomfort, even when engorged and dripping blood. He did once years ago clog up his bladder when girls were in heat, had to aspirate and remove 400 cc's of urine; but that time he was sick, vomitting.

Thanks all for your input. If any of you have more, please post. I think I'm going to get him to a vet tomorrow just to be safe.


Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

I don't remember any girls being in heat, but he was always a very, how do I say this? very hormonal??? Licked himself a lot. The vet said that the penis has many blood vessels. This went on for about a week. A few drops, then a lot. I first thought he must have hurt his foot or something. But, I couldn't find anything!!!

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

I hate even to post this, but my boy did this when he went sterile. The vet played around with it too long and by the time we collected him a few months aftert he first signs of blood - there was not 1 sperm! How I wish we had put him on antibiotics and given the herbals sooner! I would have him thoroughly checked out - make sure there is no infection! I sure do hope for you that it's just the minor issues others have posted!

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

Yikes, I'm sorry about your boy! This boy is 9 1/2 years old, and closely related to many of my girls, so I'm not using him anymore (except maybe for service dog groups), so it's not a major concern for me. I was more worried about his health, was even prepared to neuter him if necessary.

An update for all who have responded, I took him to a vet this morning. It appears to be nothing more than frustration and the ruptured vessels in the penis heal so fast that it already looked normal. Prostrate appeared normal and urinalysis was normal. I still don't want this happening but I'm more comfortable for now. BTW, he's the ONLY boy that's still eating normally!

Thanks, all for you help. Jenny

Re: Frustrated male bleeding from the penis

Any way this boy could stay with a friend while your girls are in season? Sounds like he needs some relief from the stress.