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kennel cough

Piedmont just a heads up!

Re: kennel cough

I heard some dogs coughing, I uped the kids Vit C and so far so good! Hopefully they won't get it!! Hope it does not last long!!

Re: kennel cough

How much Vit C do you give? Might be a good idea to give a couple days before every show.

Re: kennel cough

Yep, started this morning in 3 of the 4 that went! There were dogs coughing, dang it! We vaccinate every 6 months so hopefully it will not be too bad.

Re: kennel cough

Yes, we heard them also. And friends dog had it by Wed. We do the nasal every 6 mos. so hope that makes it milder.

Re: kennel cough

I have been giving 1000mg twice a day. They will just pee out what is not being used. When I vaccinate for it I do injectable and Intranasal both every 3-6 months depending on show schedule.

Re: kennel cough

Dogs are all okay, but I woke up this morning hacking. Guess I'll have to up my own Vit C!

Although, I have to say that I'm a little confused as to why the show chair allowed that bitch in the building and did not insist upon her removal?

Re: kennel cough

I never vaccinate for kennel cough. My dogs have all gotten it - once. Very mild case, even the pups, that lasts about 2 days. I triple up on the Vit C for everyone.

Re: kennel cough

Geez, I wonder why my 2 legged child was sick on the way home from Piedmont. He was so ill that he missed 4 days of school and the doctor ran bloodwork on him. Fortunately, he was back on his feet yesterday and was able to attend school. Symptoms - extremely sore throat, some wheezing, nasal congestion, low-grade fever, minor cough, lack of appetite, and he slept probably 18 hours each day.

Re: kennel cough

Add 4-legged boy who wasn't at Piedmont but his "puppy sister" who is 8 months was there. We do intranasal every 6 months - will start on Vit C. Darn it!

Re: kennel cough

Human Version 2
Geez, I wonder why my 2 legged child was sick on the way home from Piedmont. He was so ill that he missed 4 days of school and the doctor ran bloodwork on him. Fortunately, he was back on his feet yesterday and was able to attend school. Symptoms - extremely sore throat, some wheezing, nasal congestion, low-grade fever, minor cough, lack of appetite, and he slept probably 18 hours each day.

He was exposed to lots of people, that's why he got sick.
Did he have a flu shot? His symptoms are typical of what is going around in children that didn't get their flu shots. You're lucky. Some children are sick for 2 weeks or longer. He can still get the combination FLU-H1N1 shot in case he had a different infection for 4 days. They are still available. Feb. is the height of FLU season.