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Kennel cough ?

It is my understanding that the period for Kennel cough is 3 to 5 days after exposure ? Is this what others believe ? This has been my experience the two times we have had it. Thanks for replys.

Re: Kennel cough ?

It depends on the strain most are 5-10 days after exposure. Also depends on dogs immune system.

Re: Kennel cough ?

Hope someone else chimes in. That is not what I just reread on line. Mine was 3 to 5 days. Dog had not been anywhere but that show.

Re: Kennel cough ?

The longest is 2 weeks from the end of coughing.

Re: Kennel cough ?

The question was how soon after exposure do they come down with it.

Re: Kennel cough ?

Just from my personal experience - as soon as 3 days and as late as 10.