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ACL surgery or not??

my girl (age 6) was limping on Left Leg on & off for approximately 2 weeks. We do not that labs can blow out the knees from trauma. But she did not have any incidents or trauma.

I took her to the vet, and they suspect a strained ligament, and said to & put her in a crate to restrict activity for about a week-10 days, and if no improvement to bring her back, as she may have a torn ACL & need surgery.

She is also put on Previcox for about 10 days.

I was doing some research & saw that there may be better treatments.

Please advise, because she does have at least a strained muscle.

Are there any viatmins advised.

Re: ACL surgery or not??

Crate rest for weeks, leash walk to potty. Put her on some type of joint supplement - good one is Dasuquinn. Also give her Vit C and Fish Oil (I like Omega 3-6-9)

Best of luck with her.

Re: ACL surgery or not??

Hi there!!:-) Is this a regular vet or an orthopedic vet?