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Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

We would like to invite you to our first Fun Match, to be held on Sunday, February 20, 2011.

780 Broadway Ave
Holbrook, NY 11741

Complete info:

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

Does the new club have a website? Will you be having a speciality show? I'd love to come to a show but from upstate NY--it's too far for a match.

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

I believe that there will be a website soon. I'd like to refer you to a previous post for club information. Thanks!

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

This is our required Fun Match to be eligible to submit the application to the AKC for sanctioning. The club was actually established in 1979. We will plan to have another Match, AKC sanctioned B, as soon as we get the thumbs up on our application. When we complete the basic requirements, we will have a specialty, but in the near future we will sponsor all the trophies at the Riverhead Kennel club Show this coming July, with two breeder judges to be announced.

We do not currently have a website, but will work on it in the near future. The club has a great foundation with some long time members, and many new members that will surely be an asset to the club.

We will keep everyone posted on our progress, and thank everyone for their support.


Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

I know you used to have a website because I did it. Did the club disband for awhile? Regardless, welcome back and I hope you all get sanctioned.

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

how did the match go? Who won, and who judged?

Re: Labrador Retriever Club of Long Island - Fun Match Tomorrow

Thanks for asking about the Fun Match. We are truly happy with the turnout. The judges were Leslie Plank for Conformation, Jaquelin DeAngelo for Juniors, and Carla Frederick for Obedience. Because this was a fun match we did not ask for registered names, but the winners were as follows:

We had 38 breed entries, 9 junior handlers, and 14 obedience entries.

Best Puppy in Match- Rachel, from 3-6mos class, owned by Mary and Michael Weist,and Fabian Negron

Best Opp Puppy in Match- Teddi, from 9-12 mos class, owned by Debbie Weinman

Best Adult in Match- Tug, from the hunting retriever class, owned by B Cataldo, M McGroarty, and E Magnani, showed by junior handler Brenna Hanratty.

Best Opp Adult in Match-Summer, from the BBE class, owned by Mary and Michael Weist, and Fabian Negron

Best Junior Handler-Dylan Stearns, showing Hatch, owned by Mickie Beerman

Best Veteran- Tug, owned by Sue Carpenter, showed by junior handler Brenna Hanratty.

The clubs application goes out to the AKC tomorrow, as soon as we are eligible to hold a Sanction B match, we will let everyone know the details.

Laura, we did not disband, we just were not active. I knew we had a website, but was not sure who had designed it.
