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Playing/fighting in the puppy area

As the pups get closer and closer to going to their homes, the play seems to get louder and rougher. How do most of you handle it? Do you allow the growls? Do you "scruff" the aggressor? Do you let it play out on its own? No one seems to get really hurt, except an occasional ear bite, but I am curious how most of you handle it.

Re: Playing/fighting in the puppy area

Watch to be sure one isn't always the same pup on top or one always the same weakest one on the bottom. If there is equal exchange of dominance/submission, you're fine. If one is always the aggressor, I first try just a clap of hands and if they stop - it's fine. Otherwise I may simply pick up the aggressor for a minute and put them back. Sometimes, the aggressor needs to be taken out of the group for awhile. With most litters the exchange is pretty fair and equal and you can leave them. If over 8 weeks, I like to start crate training and seperate at least at night.

Re: Playing/fighting in the puppy area

Sometimes it is hard to know who the "bad guy" is. I hear a scream, run in there, and there are a bunch of innocent looking pups looking up at my like "What??". But from what i do observe, it does not seem like one more than the others. It can just sound so bad sometimes.

Re: Playing/fighting in the puppy area

In my opinion, leave it alone. They are learning, it's nature and this should be the only time any one of them will be "boss"!! Once they move to their new homes, someone else will be (or should be) taking over that role!

And if there is a clear "wimp" should he not be placed in a situation that will build confidence? I guess I use the activity that goes on naturally to help me with placement. I think it's interesting to watch!!

Re: Playing/fighting in the puppy area

I usually find my bitch takes care of it. Just about when I'm ready to get out of the chair to check on them, my bitch gets up and either hops in the pen or just hangs her head over the side. It is amazing how everyone settles down - MOM is here, quick everyone act innocent - lol. I figure she knows best who really is the aggressor and needs to be reprimanded. She's much better understanding doggy language

Re: Playing/fighting in the puppy area

"And if there is a clear "wimp" should he not be placed in a situation that will build confidence?"

How will being picked on and always at the bottom build confidence????

It's very rare but if you've had a pup who had problems getting started, they can be weaker and be picked on. In those very rare situations, the pup can become hesistant and shy from always being the picked on wimp.

Re: Playing/fighting in the puppy area

I think the poster was referring to placement of the puppy, not to letting it be picked on in the whelping box- using what was happening in the whelping box as a guide to help in placement of the puppy.