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San Diego LRC Complete results

Just wondering if complete results, with class breakdowns, will be posted somewhere? I know this is a lot of work but I am sure there are a lot of us across the country that would like to see the whole show info.

Re: San Diego LRC Complete results

Just wondering if complete results, with class breakdowns, will be posted somewhere? I know this is a lot of work but I am sure there are a lot of us across the country that would like to see the whole show info.

**Reposting from another thread**
I'm sorry Curious, but I don't think the results/catalog will be posted as it appears the show secretary, Sharon Licciardi (, doesn't post them on her site. The AKC will have full results of all class placements (no sweeps).

If there's a specific dog/class you are intested in you can email me and I will let you know who was entered. Results were not posted at the show so I did not mark my catalog.

Re: San Diego LRC Complete results

When SDLRC receives the complete results from the show secretary, it will be posted on the club website ( It usually takes about a week to receive the results.