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Missing Toe/Claw

I cannot find a definite answer to my question - I have a veteran bitch who had a toe removed due to skin cancer. Can she still be shown missing a toe? A friend of mine has a similar question, her girl is missing a toe nail due to an accident out in the field. Can she be shown missing a nail?

I do realize that missing a toe and/or nail could affect gait/movement but all things considered, can either or both of these girls be shown in the conformation ring?


Re: Missing Toe/Claw

In "Rules Applying to Dog Shows" page 46:

"SECTION 8. A dog which is blind, deaf, castrated, spayed, or which has been changed in appearance by artificial means except as specified in the standard for its breed..."

Surgery removing a toe is a change in appearance by artificial means. So technically he could be disqualified. I'd show him anyway.

Re: Missing Toe/Claw

I don't think that rule applies in this instance. I think we've hashed this out before about surgeries etc. There are things that are hereditary and/or obviously make for a poor breeding specimen. Amputating a toe for whatever reason isn't done to affect appearance; therefore shouldn't count as a reason to not show the dog.

Re: Missing Toe/Claw

My (veteran) girl had her toe amputated last year, due to cancer, right after winning BVISS. I desperately wanted to enter her again (because of the perpetual trophy) but who was I kidding. Although she moved good after the amputation she obviously didn't move as beautiful as when she had 4 toes. My advise to you is that if you think your dog's gate/movement is not affected then go ahead and enter her. However, if her movement is off the judge would notice that for sure and to be that's money down the toilet.

Re: Missing Toe/Claw

I don't think that rule applies in this instance. I think we've hashed this out before about surgeries etc. There are things that are hereditary and/or obviously make for a poor breeding specimen. Amputating a toe for whatever reason isn't done to affect appearance; therefore shouldn't count as a reason to not show the dog.

You would think it shouldn't but it does. Here's the other part of the rules:

"Even procedures, substances and drugs which are absolutely necessary to the health and comfort of a dog shall disqualify that dog from competition if the former had the incidental effect of changing or even improving the dog’s appearance, temperament, bite or gait."

A missing toe is clearly a change in appearance.

Re: Missing Toe/Claw

I would call the AKC and ask. Years ago, my yellow boy was attacked by another dog who bit part of his ear off (show side). I had to have the bottom of the ear tapered to look more natural. It definitely changed the appearance of the ear, but I called AKC and was told it was ok to continue showing him. He went on to finish his CH easily owner/handled. The judges never said anything about it. I also knew of a BIS Siberian Husky years ago who did a lot of winning eventhough he was missing a good part of one ear too. Of course this was a few years ago, so maybe AKC changed their rules. Best thing to do is call. Good luck

Re: Missing Toe/Claw

Had a pup that had a toe on her rear foot amputated due to an injury.
Contacted AKC and was told I could still show her but if a judge noticed it , the judge might not put her up. She would not be disqualified or excused as long as her gait was normal.

Re: Missing Toe/Claw

I still don't think a toe or nail removed for medical reasons will count. Call AKC.

Other examples of DQ's would be"
Procedures that would in and of themselves be considered a change in appearance by artificial means and make a dog ineligible for shows include, but are not limited to:
1. The correction of entropion, ectropian, trichiasis or distichiasis.
2. Trimming, removing or tattooing of the third eyelid (nicitating membrane)
3. The insertion of an eye prosthesis
4. Correction of harelip, cleft palate, stenotic nares, or an elongated soft palate resection
5. Any procedure to change ear set or carriage other than permitted by the breed standard
6. Restorative dental procedures, the use of bands or braces on teeth, or any alteration of the dental arcade
7. The removal of excess skin folds or the removal of skin patches to alter markings
8. Correction of inguinal, scrotal or perineal hernias
9. Surgery for hip dysplasia, O.C.D., patellar luxation and femoral head restriction
10. Alteration of the location of the testes or the insertion of an artificial testicle
11. Altering the set or carriage of the tail

All things MEANT to change appearance. I would think if you removed a 6th toe to make the dog look normal, that would DQ it if someone new, but to remove a toe due to cancer, if the gait is OK, then it should still be eligible. Call though.