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re:puppies up on leg

It seems as though my last three litters I am seeing pups go up on leg around 6 months of age. Blocky and all until, then, then they shoot up. Is there any way to prevent that? Food? Or is it the pedigree or a combo of both. See so many lovely pups at 8 months that are not like this, so am wondering if there is a way to prevent the growth upward to a slower overall balanced growth rate. TIA

Re: re:puppies up on leg

what food are you feeding?

Re: re:puppies up on leg

Different lines grow differently. Some grow evenly; boy that's nice when they do that. Many don't. It's not uncommon for puppies to get "leggy" at that age. I worry more about what they grow into, than what they look like getting there.


Re: re:puppies up on leg

Pro plan performance

Re: re:puppies up on leg

some breeders believe in feeding large breed formulas which have lower protein/fat compared to performance formulas. but as Mike said most likely it is genetic and your lines grow faster.

Re: re:puppies up on leg

Personally I would feed a lower protein food like a large breed puppy. I realize that labs are not 'large breed' but the protein/fat ratio works for me.

Re: re:puppies up on leg

It is the breeding not the feeding that will make them grow the way they do.
Some puppies grow evenly and look like little adults the whole time. Others get leggy and develop later.
Dont worry about leg,leg is good. It seems some are confusing short leggged with typey. We seem to be loosing good leg to body balance in the breed.
No matter what or how much you feed they will grow the way there genes tell them to.

Re: re:puppies up on leg

If it were my lines, my advice would be don't look at them for a year- or two!

Re: re:puppies up on leg

Thanks! I have to say that I prefer leg under my kids, too. Yet, so many puppies from very nice breedings have very little and so full of a forefront, it is almost hideous. Mine have a nice front and good bone, but definitely get height before they spring rib. All I know is if I see a really nice headpiece and length of upper arm and sound 4 square stance, I am not very worried at 8 months, just saying, what I was seeing in other pups that are soooooo substantial and NOT up on leg at the same age. Appreciate all the replies.

Re: re:puppies up on leg

Pups can go through many odd growth patterns in their first year as we know. As my pups grow and move through these awkward stages I remind myself to remember what the puppy looked like at 8 weeks old - it will return to that look and those proportions as it matures.

Re: re:puppies up on leg

I feed puppies Pro Plan puppy until they are 12 weeks old then they switch to adult food. Labs are not large breed dogs and should not be feed large breed puppy in my opinion. You don't want them to have so much protein as it can lead to Pano, and joint problems. I don't supplement either. Seems to work ok for me.
Also different lines grow differently I think. Some are slower and they stay together more, and others will get tall and leggy even high in the rear but it will even out when they are done growing. Just have to wait it out.