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Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Hi, I have never had this until this winter. 3 of my dogs who run and play together also eat frozen poop. One is especially bad - waits for the others and eats it as it comes out fresh and warm!! Is this due to a dietary deficiency? What should I do about it? They don't eat all of it - still leave some for me to pick up in their 1/4 acre play area - do you think 1/4 acre is too small and that's causing it? We do have a lot more land which could be fenced for exercise purposes. Any input appreciated !

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

This is how I deal with it:

1) Don't watch
2) No sloppy kisses

Anybody who has a cure that really works would be rich.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Thanks, Nancy! Hate to admit it but I still accept kisses

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Go out with them and pick it up right away. At least you'll get most of it. Frozen poop is the best according to some of my dogs!!

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

The age old Labrador question. Here is the only solution: Pick up the poop. Walk out with them, pooper scooper in hand, as they go , scoop it ! Problem solved.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

I have the same problem but it is not lab poop it is deer poop. She almost grazes!

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Funny, I got on here this morning to ask about what I can give my dogs so the 2 younger ones stop dining on the poop. I thought it was tomatoe sauce but wanted to make sure before I run to the store. These 2 youngsters are not discriminatory about the type of poop. Frozen Poopcicles are especially fun to pack around in their mouth before they dine on it.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

I have found doing this so they can't get any poop - over time can help break the habbit.

In winter its harder with all the snow and one tends to slack off on picking up and I find the poop eater will revert back to this awful habit.

When spring hits and I PU consistantly/immediately the habit eventually stops again.

I also tried pineapple, forbid (I think its called) etc. and none of it worked.

Even tried tobasco sauce on a pile and the dog still ate it.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

I'm pretty meticulous about cleaning up poop but if there is one lost pile out there, those 2 will find it. I think it is a phase they are going through as I've seen this behavior before in a couple of my dogs in years past that was short lived.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Pick up and Bananas! It works.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

I agree, pick it up. There is no 'easy' solution. Although my 2 year old will hold it in until I'm too cold to wait for the squat! Dang her!!!

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

My guys like it hot off the press. I chase around with the poop scoop but the rotten sods have usually grabbed it before it hits the ground. EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Olivia, you may have discovered a use for Vegemite! If fed to the dogs, perhaps they would stop recycling! Brilliant!

I actually just tried muzzles to get mine to stop. They are lightly padded nylon with a good-sized insert of plastic mesh so they can pant, drink (and bark!) easily. Machine washable. They are yellow with black mesh so the poor things look like bees out in the yard! The theory was that the dogs would have enough muzzle mobility but wouldn't be able to actually consume the poop (including the bunny bullets) through the mesh. I was hoping that it would break the habit and I could then stop using them. The dogs hate them of course and spend most of their time trying to claw them off. I have stopped using them for now (dogs win!) but will try again to gently acclimate them at some point so maybe I could just use them on the last trip out in the dark when I can't actually see the dogs to yell at them!

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Beth Volle
Olivia, you may have discovered a use for Vegemite! If fed to the dogs, perhaps they would stop recycling! Brilliant!

Have you ever tasted Vegemite? It is so bloody salty you can feel the arteries getting crunchy

I do like the suggetion though.

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Beth...You are so funny with the "bunny bullets" I call them "cocoa puffs" What ever we call them the dogs LOVE them!

Re: Eating poop - why, what to do about it?

Cocoa puffs is funny, we call them rabbit raisins.