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Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Can't believe this. So many poor photos in New York Times today. I feel so sorry for Calypso...and many of the other Breeds...

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

I actually love a lot of the photos in this gallery. This photographer is not taking show/win photos, but rather more "fun" photos, documenting the event. I am sure most of the handlers wanted to pose their dogs in a show pose, but there are some really great "cutesy" shots too. I love the photo of the Puli among others! LOL

The official win photos are posted on the Westminster Kennel Club site by breed. Those photos are taken by the actual show photographers.

Thanks for posting the link though. As a photographer, I enjoy looking at others' work. These were just for fun

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

It looks just like him, he always has his tail down when he stands still, so whats the problem?

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Yuck, I'll say. Makes the lab's tail set look low? Wow, your right, poor pictures of the dogs!

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Here's a link to the "official" show photo for BOB at Westminster:

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

he does have a low tail set

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

that what I was going to say but you beat me to it.
And notice, the official pic, tail down too.
Pretty bad angle as well, makes him look stuff in the neck, long on back, short on upper arm and short on leg.

he does have a low tail set

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Come on fellow Labrador enthusiasts.... don't cheapen this dog's fabulous win with your derogatory comments.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

The photos are arty. I am sure the photographer shows exactly the pictures that best express his artistic talent.

So relax and use the display to test your knowledge of how many breeds you can name.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

The photos are arty. I am sure the photographer shows exactly the pictures that best express his artistic talent.

So relax and use the display to test your knowledge of how many breeds you can name.

The photographer who was covering this event for the NY Times, Fred Conrad, is a very well known photographer for the Times. He does not specialize in "show dog" photography and believe it or not he still shoots FILM! LOL He is however very good at what he does and though us show folks may not think his photos are worthy to use as advertising photos, they are very much to be appreciated.

Photographers, like myself, who shoot mainly show dogs (I do pet shoots too but they are very different from the show poses) have developed an eye for how they want to see the dog posed in the photo to bring out the best in each dog. Every dog has their faults, but a good show dog photographer, like a good handler, can spot them and make sure that the dogs they shoot look their best! Afterall, isn't that what you are paying for?

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Tell you what, why don't you put a picture of your best Labrador on the Internet for all of us to see and we'll tell you what we think of your dog? Come on now, don't be afraid. We'll be honest and I'm sure you'll value our opinion of your dog as much as we all value your opinion of this year's Westminster winner. What do you say?

that what I was going to say but you beat me to it.
And notice, the official pic, tail down too.
Pretty bad angle as well, makes him look stuff in the neck, long on back, short on upper arm and short on leg.

he does have a low tail set

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

I'm sorry artsy or not - Lab or others. These are terrible pictures and poorly photo shopped. I would be embarrassed as the photographer. Then again this is the New York Times- what do you expect.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Every year the thread about a Westminster winner gets nasty and cruel. The winner is a beautiful Lab with excellent movement who is very balanced. So there, now you know at least one person can be kind and gracious. Would love to know who the nasties are so we can critique their Labs.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Aside from the tail down comment (which is just stating a fact, his tail IS always down), there was nothing nasty said about the dog. What was said was that he LOOKED like he was several other things because of the poor photos. So there.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Well, the picture showed him different. But, if you watch the video, he moves nice and is a very nice dog.
So, anyone who has watched the video can clearly see, that this photo of the dog, sucks! He is very nice and he won! That is all that counts

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

Well, there are some very nice photographs. The dogs aside, there are so many great pix.

The shot of the lab, is not great. who cares? The breeder and owner should be the only ones allowed to comment. It is their dog.

He looked good enough to win the biggest show in the land and deserved it.

Congrats to him, his handler, breeder and owner(s).

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

This is art people. It's not right nor wrong. When you are dealing with live subjects you sometimes don't get what you see in your minds eye. Art you can love or hate. It's up to the beholder. If you are offended by his art... e-mail him. I think his intent was to be fun.
Some don't realize that some dogs even people for that matter don't photograph well.
Even if this professional photographer were taking photos of prize willing apples someone would still find fault in it.
Take these images for what they are... art. No reason to be mean about it.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

I'm sorry artsy or not - Lab or others. These are terrible pictures and poorly photo shopped. I would be embarrassed as the photographer. Then again this is the New York Times- what do you expect.

And where might we be able to see your published and prize-winning photos? And please, do be sure to tell us about any awards and praise from your fellow award-winning photographers. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. (But, I'm not holding my breath...sigh...)

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

A little off topic, but it's suppose to be photos of best of breeds, but I can't see the Icelandic Sheepdog there nor the Rough Collie!

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

All i want to say is that as a hole i liked the photos. there were a few that could of been better but in general they showed more about the charater of the dog then the looks which is what the general public likes. But it was fun to see the expresions on the dogs faces and expecially those like the clumber that was in midair. I like one said they are on the art side of things not the science side.

Re: Poor BOB Westminster photos in New York Times!

A little off topic, but it's suppose to be photos of best of breeds, but I can't see the Icelandic Sheepdog there nor the Rough Collie!

Hi Hildur,

As I mentioned before these photos are not the "official" win photos. This photographer went to cover the event for the NY Times. He probably shot as many dogs as he could, but was only able to get 102 which is about 2/3 of all the breeds represented at Westminster.

The official win photos are posted on the WKC website by breed.

Here is the BOB winner for the Icelandic Sheepdog:

Here is the BOB winner for the Rough Collie:

BTW, the NY Times photos were shot with a film camera, in front of a white background, and not photoshopped. LOL