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8 mos old male urinating

can anyone offer some advice here, I just received this e/m from a puppy owner:
We are having a little problem with Bear that perhaps you have some thoughts on. Recently he has begun peeing in the house. I know that unfixed males can develop problems with marking I am just not sure if this is what is going on or not. sometimes it is little dribbles but more often than not it is a lot more than a dribble. Yesterday we were in the laundry room. I had taken him out and he had gone about 20 minutes earlier. all of a sudden he just started to go, looking straight up at me. usually, he crys when he wants to go out and it is quite clear what he wants. today, we were upstairs. he jumped up on my bed and away he went. Again, I had taken him out less than an hour earlier. The only thing that I can think of that we did prior to the peeing was play with his ball for awhile and then followed up with some water. the peeing happened within minutes of his having a drink.

I took him to the vet yesterday just to check out if he had an infection or anything. They found a little bacteria but didn't seem convinced that was the problem. They did start him on an antibiotic as he had presented this back in Oct for a brief time and following the antibiotics it seemed to go away. Any thoughts. Having never had a male dog I am not real famaliar to their ways

Re: 8 mos old male urinating

Sounds like he may have a UTI and not just a male type thing. Maybe crated to long or for some other reson. May need cranberry caps or some meds. Read about UTI.

Re: 8 mos old male urinating

he is not crated at all during the day-this is a stay at home mom...he is on anti bitotic in the event it is a UTI but is there anything else he should be tested for?

Re: 8 mos old male urinating

Maybe run a blood chemistry and look at the kidney values, that would help determine whether he has something like renal dysplasia (yes, it exists in labs).

Was specific gravity low on the urinalysis?

Re: 8 mos old male urinating

Eating too much snow? Tanking up at the toilet when no one is looking? Not paying attention enough outside to completely finish? Waiting too long to go out? Not going out enough during the day?

Re: 8 mos old male urinating

Is he concentrating his urine?

Try decreasing dietary protein if he's on a high protein kibble.