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cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

Has anyone ever done cheek swabs for Optigen tests? I 'm worried after reading Optigen's caveats but it's so much easier to do that I'm tempted. I have two pups that I want tested before I lose out on the litter rate.

Earlier this winter I used cheek swabs to get EIC results and mentioned the Optigen warnings to the person I spoke to at DDC. He said the researchers at Optigen are more comfortable with blood samples because they lack experience with swabs and feel more comfortable using blood samples. Basically he scoffed at Optigen's warnings and used the long history and good reputation of DDC's results to back up his opinion. Anyone have any thoughts?

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

I've used the cheek swabs for Optigen several times with no problem. It is much easier and you can get the sterilized swabs at a medical supply store, a box of 100 was like $5, very inexpensive. To be safe, I crate the dog a couple hours before I am going to take the sample and do not give the dog anything to eat or drink so that there will be no cross contamination.

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

I've heard of cross contamination stories in the color tests with friends of mine. For that reason, I don't trust swabs for serious tests. The fun color tests I don't mind.

I always go with blood for serious tests. If I'm paying high dollar anyway I want to know which dog I'm really testing.

I wonder of the people who get on here and bash Ingen for inaccuracies in the past would trust a cheek swab by optigen?? Cause I've got news for you....Optigen's accuracy is going to go down with the allowance of cheek swabs. IMO, that was Ingen's major problem. Not their testing procedures, but the use of swabs.

I want to know for sure that the dog's results aren't really one of his/her kennelmate's results.

Will Optigen differentiate between blood and swab results? I would be more leary to use a newer stud who had a cheek swab in his breeder's garage or backyard surrounded by 10 other dogs, than I would a stud whose blood was drawn in a clinic with his microchip scanned.

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

Yes, they do differentiate on the results you recieve if it was blood or cheek swab. Optigen has been doing cheek swabs for the PRA test for a few years now, it is not something new.

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

Has anyone ever had a cheek swab for EIC come back as a carrier and had a blood draw with another company and received different results?

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

Cheek swabs work perfectly well. The trick is to make absolutely certain there is no contamination. Probably the easiest procedure would be to crate the pups in separate crates overnight. In the morning, take out 1 pup and swab it. That means NO water, NO food, NOTHING! Immediately put the pup back in the crate. WASH YOUR HANDS. Repeat with puppy #2. There is no reason why you can't do this.

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

I do a Blood draw after having to redo cheek swabs. In the end it saves time and is very accurate. For me it was NOT about contamination on the swab, you need to get enough epithelial cells from the cheek?????? I don't have time to resend samples so for $15.00 its a blood sample.

Re: cheek swabs vs. blood draw for Optigen

I did the blood sample too....was surprised how quickly I got the results. I sent it in on Monday afternoon and received my results (via email) on Friday evening at 9:30 pm !!! I used the University of Minnesota Laboratory.

Oops!! I meant to say I did the blood draw for EIC ....not Optigen.....I miss read the message....sorry.