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Crazy calls ?

Are others having alot of calls from individuals wanting grown females to breed from ? Or pups on full registration because they want to breed ? Do they think they will make money ? Why all of a sudden are there so many ? My answer is no way !
Makes it hard for someone who might really want a nice pup to raise up and show who will do it all the things the right way. Just asking !

Re: Crazy calls ?

Where are you advertising?
That can affect the kinds of calls you get.

Re: Crazy calls ?

Excuse me ! I am not advertising at all. Don't need to. And it is several of us who are getting these calls. Glad you are not. Must be in a perfect area.

Re: Crazy calls ?

I was not advertising at all either.

One man consistently calling (left messages difficult to understand) and saying he was sending "his driver" to pick up "his" puppy.
Never talked to him, never discussed online or on phone the gender, color, lineage or price.
Sort of freaked me that someone would be coming to my door-----

Finally sent a nasty message back and blocked him on email