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When to evaluate

Do you look at your puppies at 6, 7 or 8 weeks and why?

Re: When to evaluate

I look at them at birth, and between 7-8 weeks. In most cases I will pick the same pup/s.

Re: When to evaluate

We normally get a feel about the pups when they are born as well. We watch them off and on between then and 8 weeks to get a feel for their personalities etc. Even though we might evaluate at 6 weeks... At 8 weeks is when we will really evaluate them and possibly return at 10 weeks before they head home. We find between 6-8 weeks is when they have their "awkward" stage, so thats why we wait. Even though it takes a lot of patience :)

Re: When to evaluate

What you see in a pup at 8 weeks is what he will look like when he matures.

Re: When to evaluate

Five weeks and I have picked the best pup out of every litter I have looked at at five weeks. In my experience they can change tons after that but they will come back to what they were at five weeks. Most people pick at 8 weeks.

Re: When to evaluate

I think it depends on the line. I will look at them each week but usually my pick stays consistant from the 6 wk eval. I do think it is easier to spot short upper arms closer to the 8 wk point. They are always there of just becomes more noticeable as the puppy begins to grow.

Re: When to evaluate

5-6 weeks and confirm at 7 1/2 - 8 weeks. I don't know about new born puppies.

Re: When to evaluate

Yeah, that's what they say, but with my experience it's not always so.