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Are we going the route of the golden retrievers?

CANCER! It is becoming rampant in our breed, just like it is rampant in goldens. I understand that cancer is everywhere, but has anyone noticed a huge upsurge in cancer diagnosis in labs? Particularly splenic tumors? Pet people calling looking for a new pup because they just lost their dog to cancer? Or dogs dieing so much younger than they should? I doubt there is anything that can be done to reduce those numbers but I was wondering if anyone else has been hearing about cancer in labs more frequently than in the past?

Re: Are we going the route of the golden retrievers?

I disagree with you. I think cancer has always been prevalent in Labs ... the only way to know the statistics would be if every deceased dog had a neocropsy. I also disagree that dogs are dying younger. When I got my first Lab in 1979, they definately were not living to 15 or 16 years old. With better/advanced medical knowledge they certainly are living much longer today. One last thing, I know my dogs ... every inch of them. If I think something is not right I head straight for the Vet. I don't wait until it's to no avail. This is a very strong breed with a strong will to please and live - sometimes it is too late.

Re: Are we going the route of the golden retrievers?

Having lost two Goldens to cancer within a year of one another, a while back I asked my vet if cancer was becoming more prevelant in dogs in general.

Her reply was generally speaking, with treatments like heartworm protection, better vacinations yada yada, our dogs get better health care than ever and consequently are survinging other illness's that may have taken them before cancers had a chance to become an issue for them.

Re: Are we going the route of the golden retrievers?

Cancer and heart disease are just as prevalent in dogs as in humans...

Re: Are we going the route of the golden retrievers?

Dr. Pitcairn has a good explanation. I would recommend his book.

Re: Are we going the route of the golden retrievers?

A few years ago there was some thought and correlation made between early spay/neuter and bone cancer that came from the research community. I have always asked my pet people to hold off until 2 years of age as long as the boys and girls were manageable and the family life permitted. Don't know if it works but I've heard very little of cancer in my small circle. Knock on wood.