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Back-to-back # of pups

I recently did a back-to-back breeding and a friend told me that when that is done, the 2nd litter has more puppies. That's a new one on me. If you did back-to-back litters, what did you get?

Re: Back-to-back # of pups

I have done it a couple of times over the years.

Scenario #1: Litter 1 - 10 pups Litter 2 - 4 pups

Scenario #2: Litter 1 - 8 pups Litter 2 - 7 pups

Re: Back-to-back # of pups

I've done it with 2 different girls and have seen both.

Bitch # 1

Litter 1 - 8 pups Litter 2 - 11 pups

Bitch # 2

Litter 1 - 12 pups Litter 2 - 9 pups

Both had at least 2 years of rest before the back to back breedings. Bitch # 2 cycled 9 mo. between heats. They are both seniors today, ages 12.5 and 14.5 years.

Re: Back-to-back # of pups

1st Bitch Litter #1- 8 pups Litter #2 - 9 Pups
2nd Bitch Litter #1- 7 Pups Litter #2 - 10 Pups