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Where/ how does everyone make their kennel website? and how much is it per year/month? I've been looking and I just can't find a really good secure site to use.

Re: Websites

I suggest

Great customer service, easy to use. I use them as my host, and I design my own websites.

Re: Websites will help you design your own, get a domain name, manage email plus supply updates and maintenance for about $200/yr depending on how big you want your site to be - pages, etc. This is formerly

Re: Websites

I use Yahoo for hosting and creating. Its very easy and is about $100 per year.

Re: Websites

I use
It's easy and is for free unless you buy yourself a domain.

Re: Websites

Re: Websites

I thought people are boycotting godaddy after the CEO shoots elephants for fun.

Re: Websites

What's the difference between hunting elephants & hunting ducks, deer, pheasant or whatever- it's a sport and it's all legal. Could I kill an elephant.. no way, but it's his right to do so and I'm certain the villagers who use every ounce of flesh from the animal appreciate it as well as the monies he paid to help maintain the park/preserve which provided him the elephant to kill. Gimme a break.

Re: Websites

I use Bluehost. It runs me about $98 a year. Lots of value for the money.

Re: Websites

Easy, cheap, helpful

Re: Websites

I have used Yahoo before and I no longer recommend them. They are expensive for a small amount of space and their upload & download speeds don't do you any favors either. I was paying $13 a month= $156 a year for about 2GB and limited bandwidth.

I switched to GoDaddy and I absolutely LOVE their Customer Service. They are fast, friendly, and will help you with just about anything they can. The upload & download speeds are MUCH better and the price is hard to beat. Domain for a year and Hosting for 3 years= $110 for 10GB and unlimited bandwidth.

I also design and maintain my own website as well as offer the service to others.

Good luck, OP!

Re: Websites

Elephants are a protected species, unlike Deer etc. They have serious family units with higher intelligence. This CEO has just set a precendent that no matter what Protected Reserve for these Elephants its OK to kill the protected animals within, just for Money and Fun! This is the very reason why their Government set up a reserve for them and its people like this CEO that would be such a coward as to go where they posed No danger to the Villagers to kill one. He's a Savage in my book.

Re: Websites

I use and pay around $7 per month. I have never had a problem.

Re: Websites

I use also. I believe it has the longest, excellent reputation around.

Re: Websites

I forgot, theres which initially began as a freeby. Alot of large company, IT directors use it, even after their first 3 free years for their own personal sites.

I think they have some current specials, 3 or 6 mo. free hosting. They do have both Linux and Microsoft hosting.

1&1 MS Home $0.00
for 6 months,
then $ 6.99 /month


Re: Websites

Thank you all! it seems that is the way to go. i dont agree with the killing of the elephant and all, but i still think i will use their site. Thank you all!

Re: Websites

Yes, elephants have a higher intelligence, live very long lives, mourn the death of family members and like humans, they CRY!

Re: Websites

Well do something about it instead of sitting here bashing what he has done.

Re: Websites

I like Yahoo, have used them for quite sometime and have never had any problems. My website (and other's I have built with them) have excess of 30 pages (and photo's) and never problems with outages, freezing, or customer service. (I pay $9.95 a month)

I changed from Go-Daddy to Yahoo when I found out one way Go-Daddy keeps their cheaper rates is they sell your business information to marketing companies and the last thing I needed was more spam emails and calls.