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Daily heart worm meds

Does anyone have any experience using Dimmitrol daily heart worm medication?I have just been reading online that it is better to give this to our breeders rather than monthly meds? Any comments???

Re: Daily heart worm meds

Does anyone have any experience using Dimmitrol daily heart worm medication?I have just been reading online that it is better to give this to our breeders rather than monthly meds? Any comments???

This is nothing new. Simply Ivermectin in pill form by another manufacturer.

Dimmitrol Monthly Heartworm Chewables

Manufacturer: Mavlab Pty Ltd
Composition Ivermectin 136 microgram.
Actions Ivermectin kills heartworm larvae acquired within the previous 30 days. May be given to stud dogs and pregnant bitches.
Indications Prevention of heartworm in dogs.
Contraindications Administration to puppies under 6 weeks of age.
Dosage and Administration Dogs < 12 kg. ½ a chewable monthly. Dogs 12 to 22 kg. 1 chewable monthly. Dogs > 22 kg. 2 chewables monthly.

Re: Daily heart worm meds

Thanks for your response. This is the one I was reading about - it is given daily. Any info on this?
Thanks again

Dimmitrol for Dogs 32-64 kg (67-132 lbs) 400mg 100 tablets Description

Dimmitrol Heartworm Tablets is a tablet containing Diethylcarbamazine given daily for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs. It is also used for the treatment and prevention of roundworms in dogs and the treatment of lungworm nematodes in dogs.



Directions for Use

Dimmitrol Heartworm Tablets are administered to dogs daily. The dosage of Diethylcarbamazine for the prevention of heartworm disease is 3 mg per lb bodyweight. Dimmitrol Heartworm Tablets come in 3 sizes. Dimmitrol Heartworm Tablet 50mg for dogs up to 16 lb in weight. Dimmitrol Heartworm Tablets 200 mg for dogs 17 - 66 lb and Dimmitrol Heartworm Tablets 400mg for dogs 67 - 132 lb. This medication should be given with food.

Re: Daily heart worm meds

I remember a daily wormer years ago (filaribits?) that was pulled off the market due to causing liver damage. It makes sense to me - you are giving a toxic chemical to your dog every day. It takes heartworm filaria five to six weeks to mature to the adult stage, so don't see any reason why a daily dose would be necessary. Just clean them out once a month.

Re: Daily heart worm meds

when the daily heartworm medicine was the only choice. That was back in the dark ages. Why would you want to do this when the once a month heartworm medications are safe and effective?

This is where I read about it
I was actually looking for advice about tube feeding when I found all this ........