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Judge Nancy Talbott

Does anyone know what kind of dog she likes? Movers, color, moderate? Will she look at pups if they are nice? I believe she has goldens??

Re: Judge Nancy Talbott

I have watched Nancy judge over many many years. She does not have a preference for color and will put up a young dog.

With that said, she will seek a dog with correct type that is not overdone, a dog that has the correct front end assembly (lay-back and upper arm), a well balanced dog with angles that match fore and aft. Movement is a must. Ah yes, she will look for a sweet kind expression like a good Labrador should have.

Nancy is a fair judge, very kind to the exhibitors and the dogs, and will NOT look at faces.

She is a breeder of Labradors as well as Goldens and has produced some lovely dogs over the years.

I hope this helps,
An Exhibitor

Re: Judge Nancy Talbott

I love to show to Nancy Talbott, she is fair and honest, and she knows a nice dog and doesn't care who is at the other end of the lead. I always try to show my nice moving , typey dogs to her.

Re: Judge Nancy Talbott

Thanks all. I appreciate the information.

Re: Judge Nancy Talbott

She is a great judge to show puppies to - very gentle and sweet with them.

Re: Judge Nancy Talbott

I'm glad she is good with pups as she will be the judge at my 6 month old's FIRST show. I am not expecting much but I want him to have a good experience. He's been to classes and matches but this will be different.

Re: Judge Nancy Talbott

They should all be like Judge Nancy Talbott!