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grabbing necks in play

Two of my dogs grab each others' necks in play and one dog has constant draining scabs.

I'm about to try one of those bitter tasting sprays. Will this work? I hate keeping them apart but I have done this the last couple of weeks.

Re: grabbing necks in play

How old are they? Older puppies maybe?

Re: grabbing necks in play

One is a male 10 month old puppy and the other is a two year old female. . . and they adore each other.
Yeah, the older dogs don't indulge.

Re: grabbing necks in play

Two of my dogs grab each others' necks in play and one dog has constant draining scabs.

If it were me, I would stop them from playing that rough. Playing is fine, but when one is getting punctures (constant draining scabs), I'd put a stop to it. Step in and be the leader.

Re: grabbing necks in play

Are the both still intact???

Re: grabbing necks in play

And of course it is the older dog that is getting the scabs. This is typical. At 10 months this is likely to stop very soon. The way it works is the puppy gets away with murder. Then one day the older dog decides it isn't a puppy any more and enough is enough. Chances are this will resolve all by itself soon.

Re: grabbing necks in play

This neck biting brings back memories from around 4 yrs ago when we got 2 " Return Boys " back at the same time that summer while raising a litter of pups.
Talk about a frustrating time with the 2 adolescent boys chewing on each other's neck. One of the boy's sisters we had with us loved to join in on their fun neck chewing so before long, I had 3 dogs with really bad hot spots on their necks. I had to shave their necks and give prednisone, keep them separated which meant alternating their playtime in the dog yards.
This went on for 4 months until the 2 boys went into their forever homes.
Now days, our adult dogs chew on each others necks but for some reason, they never cause sores.
Breeder, you could try the bitter apple or vinegar in a bottle sprayed on the 2 dog's necks to see if that cures the neck chewing. I know all I have to do is hold up my bottle of vinegar and they stop barking

Re: grabbing necks in play

Yea, that's a pain. We only seem to have that problem as we start off on our walk but then as everyone gets moving and doing their own thing in the woods, it stops.

Is there enough stuff in the play yard to otherwise occupy them? Can you redirect by playing ball or something?

Good luck

Re: grabbing necks in play

FYI Yes, kids will be kids but...I had a chocolate boy brunt of his sisters play and where the skin was broken a percentage of the hairs grew in white!

Re: grabbing necks in play

Two of my dogs grab each others' necks in play and one dog has constant draining scabs.

I'm about to try one of those bitter tasting sprays. Will this work? I hate keeping them apart but I have done this the last couple of weeks.

If you decide to use the bitter sprays you have to do it correctly which is why I hate using bitter sprays. If you just spray the bitter stuff on the object, it actually tastes tangy and the dogs like the taste.

To use bitter sprays correctly, you have to spray it once a day for 3 days directly in the dog's mouth so they absolutely detest the smell and taste of it (I hate this part). Then you can spray it on the necks, furniture, etc. This is the way suggests it be used, and is the only way the bitter sprays are truly effective. If desperate, it does work. I have only had to do it with one girl years ago who chewed furniture legs.

Re: grabbing necks in play

Thank you....
The method of using bitter sprays from a training point of view is very interesting and makes perfect sense.
Maybe it will work with vinegar too.