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Idex Prog.

For those of you that use Idex for your prog. testing. Can you share with me a # chart from them that shows what they consider ovulation according to how they do their test and #'s? Just used them the first time and my vet was told that according to them she was 2.2 yesterday about noon and will ovulate in one day?

Their # sequence is different than Antech from what I'm being told?

Also, how many breed from LH surge and what day after have you had the most success? I'm being told day 5 where books tell you to breed 2x at day 3 and 7 afterwards.

Thanks for any help with this.

Re: Idex Prog.

That's incorrect information. IF the 2.2 reading is indicating the day of the LH surge, ovulation should follow in 2 days, although there are some bitches who rise more slowly. Ovulation usually is indicated by a 5.0-7.5 reading. Without testing specifically for LH, though, the 2.2 level may indicate the day of the LH surge, or it may mean that your girl has gone above baseline, and will experience an LH surge soon, but hasn't yet; or, as in a recent case with a bitch of mine who has been difficult to get in whelp, the 2.2 may mean nothing if her average baseline reading is a little higher than average. My bitch had a 2.2 reading without testing positive for an LH surge, then a 1.0 reading two days later. She finally tested above baseline the next week, with ovulation occurring a full week after that initial 2.2 reading.

I have used LH testing to breed from with fairly positive results, although I've used it with at least 1 progesterone to confirm. The critical thing is to make sure the progesterone number continues to rise after going above baseline. Many people decide to save money on extra tests at that point, but girls can and do stall out rather than continuing to rise per the textbook model. Unfortunately, some of my girls never read the textbook, and do things on a different timeline!

Re: Idex Prog.

I have not seen the advice from Idexx. I have had an LH surge at 1.6 and at 2.3. From the surge, they should ovulate in 2 days. I try to figure out the timing both ways - from the LH and from the actual prog #'s from Idexx.

I breed on days 3 & 5 or days 4 & 6 POST LH. We do alot of TCI's and have had success with that. Personally, if I have timed the bitch before, and know how fast she goes, I like to breed on days 3 & 5 post LH. The vet will want her to hit 5.0 before we breed, but I have the semen shipped using the LH timing, before they reach 5.0 (if over a weekend)

Re: Idex Prog.

According to Idexx's labratory report, they list this on the report form itself :

Progesterone normal ranges (canine):
Anestrus: <3 nmol/L (<0.9 ng/ml)
Late proestrus: 6-8 nmol/L (1.9-2.5 ng/ml)
LH surge: 8-12 nmol/L (2.5-3.8 ng/ml)
Ovulation: 12-24 nmol/L (3.8-7.5 ng/ml)

Hope that helps...

Re: Idex Prog.

Tina @ Tyric
According to Idexx's labratory report, they list this on the report form itself :

Progesterone normal ranges (canine):
Anestrus: <3 nmol/L (<0.9 ng/ml)
Late proestrus: 6-8 nmol/L (1.9-2.5 ng/ml)
LH surge: 8-12 nmol/L (2.5-3.8 ng/ml)
Ovulation: 12-24 nmol/L (3.8-7.5 ng/ml)

Hope that helps...

That sounds fairly logical. Just remember every bitch and cycle can be very different.

I like Idexx better then Antech. A breeding done strictly Idexx reaped us a litter size and sexes I never had before using Idexx. They also offer same day results if your vet asked them to when they call in for pick up before 11:30 that day. Most vets don't know it cept repro's

Some breeders follow those no.'s and miss so be careful. Others are breeding at earlier times, some later then it used to be. Just remember each bitch can do something different as Claudia mentioned in another post. For example a stall -- plateau -- stall out. Do continue testing until over 5.0 ng per ml.
I'm sorry, I don't use Canadian no.'s as I don't live in CA.