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Signatures breeding

Do all the owners have to sign off when a dogs sires pups or just 1? I know it's the sire or dam that only needs 1 signature. The AKC is having phone trouble.

Re: Signatures breeding

Only one owner of the stud dog needs to sign.

Re: Signatures breeding

Co-owned dams have to have all signatures.
C0-owned sires only need 1. However, it is ethical to converse with who you co-own the dog with to determine if breeder of said dog wants h/her dog bred with said bitch(es).

I wish AKC would change that and require it on sires as well as dams.

Re: Signatures breeding

And I wanted to point out that these rules about who has to sign is irregardless of how many puppies. You want registration papers on the ONE, you go through the process of getting the required signatures.

You can do it online very easy (and cheap if you have that AKC $20 coupon). I co-own my bitch with my husband and never had a problem doing online registration.

Re: Signatures breeding

TY! I sure wish it required all signatures.
If unethical the co owner could be doing all kinds of on the side breedings.

Re: Signatures breeding

How do you get the AKC $20 coupon?

Re: Signatures breeding

email and ask for a litter coupon.

Re: Signatures breeding

Thanks me!!