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Male After Senior Girl ?

I have a male that is obsessed with a 12+ year old girl, as if she was ready to breed. She has been spayed since she was 7 months old. Is there anything that can happen with an older girl to make her smell as if she is in season. She has not been sick, on no med's. Weight and coat is very good, so not thinking thyroid.I have other girls spayed and intack, that he is not bothering this bad.
Any thought's on this.

Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

We had a younger one doing the same and were told to check for vaginitis or a UTI.

Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

It might be vaginitis, but I have an intact female my boys will mount 365 days a year unless she is on cran caps. If I keep her on the caps, they sniff her and walk away.

So, if she doesn't have an infection, you might try this.


Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

I have an 8 year old bitch who's been spayed since 6 months. And I know she doesn't have an infection or anything. But my intact boys think she is the sweetest smelling thing ever....all the time. And she's actually a huge pain in the butt, she really dislikes attention and other dogs crowding her, but they LOVE LOVE LOVE her.

Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

Have her anal glands checked

Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

How much of the Cranberry caps do you give and how many times a day? I bought Cran Caps 2000mg plus Vit.C


Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

I find that my males go for my girls when they have hot spots. Crazy I know. Does she have any hot spots?

Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

No Hot spot's. No UTI. Every thig is clear.
Suggestions on how much/many cran caps to give.


Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

What about Apple Cider Vinager with the Mother?
Would that helpany? Would you give it with/without crancaps.


Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

Not sure about the other poster but I give our girls 1 crancap/day to keep the UTIs away.

Re: Male After Senior Girl ?

Thank You


Re: Male After Senior Girl ? Cran caps quantity

The ones I bought at Target are 500 mg I think, no other ingredients. I have had to give her as many as four a day to keep the boys away, but usually two will do it.


Re: Male After Senior Girl ? Cran caps quantity

The ones I bought at Target are 500 mg I think, no other ingredients. I have had to give her as many as four a day to keep the boys away, but usually two will do it.


Hmmmmmm do you suppose it would work with our human daughters too.............