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Dog eating poop

I have a dog that is on Pro Plan Performance who will not stop eating poop.


Re: Dog eating poop

IMHO the type of food has nothing to do with it. Pick up up before they can get it is the best remedy but if you do a search'll get more poop on this problem! Good luck!

Re: Dog eating poop

His poop or other dog's poop?

Re: Dog eating poop

Dogs that eat poop, ARE dogs that eat poop. Food has nothing to do with it. If you have more than one dog, then the others will soon learn the Habit . And that is what it is , a Habit.

Solution: Pick up all poop everyday.
Pick up all poop everyday!

Re: Dog eating poop

If you scoop all the poop there will be no poop to eat, problem solved!

Re: Dog eating poop

I too have a poo eater. I scoop my yard religiously on a daily basis and after each time the dogs go. This does nothing for the poop eater that still painstakingly patrols the yard, searching for turds. I would give nearly anything for the habit to disappear, as I've tried so many things, in hopes that she will stop.
I have accepted that she won't stop and continue my routine of picking up the yard, before she does!

Re: Dog eating poop

Picking up does nothing for me. Mine follows the others around and catches it as it comes out...before it even hits the ground. I've tried letting him out by himself but this just isn't as easy as it sounds sometimes. I've come to accept that its just his dirty, disgusting habit!

Re: Dog eating poop

This is what I did and it worked:
I separated the problem dog form the other dogs completely except the moments I could be there watching her and only after I picked up ALL the poop. I gave 1 banana a day to this dog and I also gave 1/2 banana to the rest of the dogs. After 2 weeks she was not interested any more and I let her join the pack again.
Anyway, a month after she was back to her old ways but not as bad.
I've tried all the other recommended things and neither one worked.

Re: Dog eating poop

"Boredom is often implicated......"

Re: Dog eating poop

"Boredom is often implicated......"

Although this is a well written article, boredom is only one possibility. Most of us spend more than enough time with the dogs.

The "line" of dogs I have that have this habit are all related. started with a bitch that was a wonderful mother, to wonderful would clean up after her kids way past necessity. Her daughters pick up the learned habit and have passed it on to 3 generations of females.

I have tried every added substance you could think of with no back to picking up twice a day and not looking when they beat me to it.

Re: Dog eating poop


The "line" of dogs I have that have this habit are all related. started with a bitch that was a wonderful mother, to wonderful would clean up after her kids way past necessity. Her daughters pick up the learned habit and have passed it on to 3 generations of females.

The same thing happened to me. Also, I think it is hunger related. Keeping the puppies in good weight means keeping the puppies hungry. They learn from the older dogs and end up liking it. They like to fill up their stomachs with warm, fresh from the oven, poop.
I do not agree with the boredom in dogs that eat other dogs' poop. I think it is a factor on dogs that eat their own feces.

Re: Dog eating poop

I too have a pooper eater, and I try and keep the yard clean. We only have 3 dogs anyhow, so not too hard. She likes to go after one in particular's poo, and never her own. Sometimes I miss a cleaning, or the husband does, and we look out the window, and there she is, I just look away, or go out and clean.

I'm wondering though, does it do the dogs any physical harm to be eating 'familar' poop? All of ours are on monthly Interceptor. If they get into our horses poo or cat poo I will worm them for tapes on occasion, too. They never eat dog poo from dogs they don't know, as they are always leashed when not at home, so I have full control.

Re: Dog eating poop

I too have a pooper eater, and I try and keep the yard clean. We only have 3 dogs anyhow, so not too hard. She likes to go after one in particular's poo, and never her own. Sometimes I miss a cleaning, or the husband does, and we look out the window, and there she is, I just look away, or go out and clean.

I'm wondering though, does it do the dogs any physical harm to be eating 'familar' poop? All of ours are on monthly Interceptor. If they get into our horses poo or cat poo I will worm them for tapes on occasion, too. They never eat dog poo from dogs they don't know, as they are always leashed when not at home, so I have full control.

Check the poop producer's anal glands. It might change the taste if you empty them. Your dogs can't get tapes from eating another animal's poop. They would have to eat the vector of the tape e.g. fleas, rabbits.