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My son took his dog to an orthopedic vet clinic where he lives to have his dog checked for a possible torn cruciate. She limps periodically, especially after playing or rough housing with her brother. They took xrays which confirmed nothing, so he is keeping an eye on her and giving her glucosamine chrondroitin the vet prescribed. The vet also gave her a rabies vaccine (which she was due for) and a lyme vaccine, which my son requested. I guess the vet wanted to also give her the distemper/parvo combo vaccine, which thankfully my son said "no" to. I'm concerned about giving the lyme with the rabies. Has anyone had any problems? He's suppose to go back for a second lyme which I told him not to do. He can always have a titer done. I've been watching this dog for the past year and a half (in NY, my son lives in VA) while my son finished his paramedic training, so it really concerns me the clinic would agree to both vaccines, (and wanted to give even more) especially when the lyme vaccine side effects can be signs of arthritis and lameness. She's two years old.

Re: Lyme/Rabies

I am not a Vet but I am wondering if they did a Lyme test before Vaccine? A large number of dogs I know have been found positive when snap tested before vaccine. (I am speaking from Massachusetts. There is an insane tick issue here.)
Just to make sure limp is not Lyme symptom.
I don't do more than one vaccine at a time, but nothing you can do about that now.
Good luck. Hope pup is better.

Re: Lyme/Rabies

The Lyme vaccine is given in 2 doses, 2-3 weeks apart I believe. I wouldn't do Rabies and Lyme vaccines at the same time. I am contemplating doing the Lyme vaccine on all my dogs and I live in the NE where it is becoming a real problem.

Re: Lyme/Rabies

I would do Lyme vaccine,as you mentioned it is series, I believe of two.I know there was more than one brand & one is better than the others. Perhaps a Vet will reply to that issue. But I would highly recommend snap testing BEFORE vaccinating. I don't understand why many Vets don't seem to recommend that?
Again, I'm not a Vet. Not all vets are Lyme savvy though. So need to do homework. Horrid disease.