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Tylan For Young Puppies

I know pups less than 10 pounds get 1/16 of a tsp of tylan powder as the recommended dosage. However, I am wondering if it is safe for young pups 10 days old that all weigh 2.5 pounds or more? They have had watery diarrhea for a few days now and I want to start them. My vet cannot be reached until Monday. I was hoping to mix with water and tube them all. (I am very experienced with tube feeding). I am just not sure if it is safe?

Re: Tylan For Young Puppies

With puppies that young I have been very successful giving Tylan to the mother.

Re: Tylan For Young Puppies

Vonnie Russell
With puppies that young I have been very successful giving Tylan to the mother.

So it doses through Mother's milk Vonnie? It sounds like a great idea although I have not had to give medication for young pup loose stools luckily. I'll remember this just in case I ever need it. Thank you for being kind enough to share your years of experience with the board.