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Kennel name left off

Has anyone ever had a stud owner remove your kennel name from a registered name? A stud owner took a pup from a litter of a friend of mine and when she sent the registration papers to her she wrote her kennel name in, and left the rest blank for the stud owner to fill in. Pup was recently entered in a show and she found out the stud owner has her kennel name first and the breeders not there at all. Is this a normal practice? She felt a bit cheated. She has not said anything to her yet, but she does want to. Not that anything can be done about it but she feels a trust is lost. Stud owners-Is this something you would do? I told her I thought it was wrong. Am I wrong? (Side note-in the breeder's contract it does say her kennel name should be used)

Re: Kennel name left off

I saw it happen with a well known breeder. The stud dog owner wanted a girl from the litter instead of stud fee. Breeder requested that her kennel name be kept first, and stud dog owner agreed. The stud dog owner took the pup and dropped the breeders kennel name completly off the registration, and when confronted by the breeder, told the breeder that "this is the way its done, not the way you (the breeder) wanted it done".
I would never deal with this specific breeder, myself because to me they were dishonest. They agreed to one thing and did another.
I would rater deal with pet people.

Re: Kennel name left off

No it is not the way it's done, at least by nice people.
Had that done to me too. Not happy about it.
Oh and the stud owner also likes to leave my name off the entry forms as breeder or just uses my initials.
Or how about another one BOTH kennel names are on and it shows up as the dam of young pups in catalogs recently and now mysteriously MY kennel name is no longer part of the dams name?? Interestingly enough though, that's just fine with me ;)
Maybe if she wanted to pretend I didn't breed the dogs, she should have bred her own and not taken mine? LOL!

Re: Kennel name left off

It was not clear if the stud owner received the pup as a stud fee or purchased it. If purchased, the terms of the purchase contract should have been considered. If the pup was taken as stud fee, then the breeder has no right to control what happens with the pup in my opinion. That would be like paying the stud fee in cash, but saying the money could only be spent on something specific.

Many stud owners register pups with their kennel name first since the pup is a continuation of THEIR breeding through the sire. Many stud owners put the breeder's kennel name first as a matter of respect for the breeder. Some leave it off entirely due to a LACK of respect for the breeder In any case, both parties need to be clear about what was agreed at time of breeding to avoid any misunderstandings later. That is the true value of a stud contract - even between friends.

Re: Kennel name left off

I'm not saying that this is right or wrong but I had heard from a long-time breeder that in the past, a stud puppy taken by the owner of the stud dog in lieu of a stud fee could carry the stud owner's kennel name. Breeders of fewer years than the afore-mentioned breeder may not be aware of this. In show catalogs the bitch owner would still be listed as and get credit due as the breeder. It was then obvious, for the most part that, given the sire's and dam's and owner's names, this was a puppy that was taken as a stud puppy. If the puppy was purchased outright by the stud owner, it would carry the bitch owner's/breeder's kennel name.

It appears that this has changed over the years and should now be agreed to prior to breeding. Maybe put it in the stud owner's standard contract up front, even if has not been determined that there will be a stud puppy. Sometimes the decision is made only after seeing the resulting litter. This might avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and hard feelings later on.

Any way you slice it, when the puppy grows up and wins the Potomac, the stud dog owner can take credit for providing such an outstanding sire, and the breeder can take credit for making the brilliant decision to breed their bitch to him! Of course the key is for each to graciously acknowledge the contribution of the other!

Re: Kennel name left off

It did say in the contract that the breeder's kennel name would be used and she wrote her kennel name onto the AKC registration application.

Re: Kennel name left off

And let me add, this is not always safe. Until a dog is shown, the name can be changed.

But here is what I do. I send in the registration myself. At least that way it has to start out the way I want it.

However, anything goes. Whatever you and the stud dog owner agree on, is OK. Just get it in writing.

Re: Kennel name left off

It should be whatever the 2 parties agree upon. And if the one registering the pup does not do it according to the agreed upon decision, then they are pretty shady. But it all goes back to once the pup has left your hands, you pretty much lose the opportunity to do things YOUR way unless you are in with someone honest, that you trust.

Re: Kennel name left off

If there was something in writing, then you have a right to be angry- but there's really nothing you can do about it anyway and in the end, it doesn't really matter, as the "breeder" will always be shown in the catalog, etc., and folks will ultimately know who made that puppy.

Re: Kennel name left off

FYI: The name can be changed if the puppy has not yet win any ribbons. That includes first in a class of 1.
I've had pet people "forget" to place my kennel name, but that is somewhat understandable when they do online registration. After a few misunderstanding with newbies, I make sure that show puppies'new owners understand that they must place my kennel name at the front of the name. Not their kennel name, not the dog's name, not their kennel name after my kennel name. Not everybody understand the etiquette of naming dogs.

Re: Kennel name left off

1. Have an agreement before the breeding.

2. Register all the pups in the litter yourself to the new owners. Yes, the name may STILL be changed, but at least it will start off right.

3. Add the price of the online AKC registration and microchip registration to the price of the puppy. People won't even blink at the small addition.

4. For Stud fee pups, consider the cost of registration just a few dollars more of stud fee and register the pup yourself. Any time you give a signed registration application to someone, you are asking for a probem!

Re: Kennel name left off

I register my litters with "full registration". This gives me the opportunity to individually name each puppy. I do this by 6 weeks and include the microchip number. This is a 2 page form. The first page is for the signatures of owners of sire and dam and the second page is for names of pups. I also choose "limited" for all pups except those I am really sure I will be keeping. I can always change this for myself later but will have a complete registration form ready to transfer with each puppy. Only the breeder is able to change status or name of puppy. Never leave anything blank.

It is sad that some people underhandedly take credit for the efforts of others. Unfortunately, they are everywhere and this includes the dog world. You should let your friends know (privately, not on this forum) about this stud dog owner and who she/he is.
There are many wonderful stud owners out there with beautiful dogs. Having a litter takes a great deal of work and money. Your stud dog owner should do her own breeding; she is a user and ultimately a looser.

Re: Kennel name left off

Hello out there...It has ALWAYS been the practice that if the stud dog owner agrees to take a puppy, in liu of stud fee the puppy will carry THE STUD DOG OWNERS KENNEL NAME. The bitch owner is of course the breeder in showing etc. If you buy a male puppy from me I have no problem for the puppy to carry YOUR kennel name FIRST because I feel in the future if someone is looking for the dog it is most likley because someone said to them; "Hey did you see Suzzie Q'S new stud." Therefore easier to locate him.

What is really LOW CLASS is to have a not so forthright, to say the least newbie, acquire several dogs from you and when they put them on their web site, they leave off your kennel name and only put their kennel name...I wonder what their puppy buyers think when they get their AKC papers with my kennel name??? They even copied part of my kennel name when they did theirs!!!!

Re: Kennel name left off

Hello out there...It has ALWAYS been the practice that if the stud dog owner agrees to take a puppy, in liu of stud fee the puppy will carry THE STUD DOG OWNERS KENNEL NAME. The bitch owner is of course the breeder in showing etc. If you buy a male puppy from me I have no problem for the puppy to carry YOUR kennel name FIRST because I feel in the future if someone is looking for the dog it is most likley because someone said to them; "Hey did you see Suzzie Q'S new stud." Therefore easier to locate him.

What is really LOW CLASS is to have a not so forthright, to say the least newbie, acquire several dogs from you and when they put them on their web site, they leave off your kennel name and only put their kennel name...I wonder what their puppy buyers think when they get their AKC papers with my kennel name??? They even copied part of my kennel name when they did theirs!!!!

Excuse me NO it has NEVER been the norm, especially if you have an agreement that the breeder's kennel name is to on the papers as in the case of the OP. Maybe it's been the norm for you, but as the breeder, I want my name first afterall, *I* made the decision to use the stud dog.

As for being low-class, perhaps the newbies who bought dogs from you found out about your reputation and didn't want people to know where the dogs came from

Re: Kennel name left off

I agree! I bought some puppies when I was a newer newbie and I had no idea of the bad reputation the breeder I bought the puppies from had. Once I learned of it, I did not want any affiliation with that breeder and if I could take the kennel name off of the dog I still have from them, I certainly would.

Re: Kennel name left off

Have you noticed the LOW CLASS who like to make up Lies and BE NASTY, NEVER USE THEIR REAL NAMES....
I do wish Jill would have people use their names unless it is a medical issue.

Re: Kennel name left off

Have you noticed the LOW CLASS who like to make up Lies and BE NASTY, NEVER USE THEIR REAL NAMES....
I do wish Jill would have people use their names unless it is a medical issue.

NHL: why didn't you "lead by example" and use your name for this post?

Re: Kennel name left off

Pretty much everyone knows NHL. That in effect is the same as using her full name. Perhaps it would have been more polite if you said you could not connect the initials with the person. It is not so different when people use call names that not everyone is familiar with.

Re: Kennel name left off

Pretty much everyone knows NHL. That in effect is the same as using her full name. Perhaps it would have been more polite if you said you could not connect the initials with the person. It is not so different when people use call names that not everyone is familiar with.

I have been around for a long time and I don't know who NHL is, but I might if she used her name.

....and her take on the situation is crazy. I would never sell a puppy to another breeder and let them put their kennel name on there so people could find him. That's ridiculous!! Let them name him (My kennelname) Big Stud dog @ (their kennelname).

NO ONE is putting their kennelname on a dog bred by me unless we co-own the bitch and co-bred the litter together.

Also, I am a stud dog owner and have a puppy back from a breeding with one of my boys. She is (their kennelname)(My Kennelname) blah blah blah.

Re: Kennel name left off

Dear "Wondering" and "Well HUH?" Since it is clear you read my original post somehow you missed my website and and email, which would clear up any questions you might have as to who "NHL" is! I must be old school because when I see a dog I like in the ring I look it up and the FIRST thing I do is see who the BREEDER is.
Dear "Well"....Thank You for bringing some level of CIVILITY to this forum.
PS. I use NHL, a nickname also because I often add my email to the post and them if I get spam to NHL I know they got the info from the forum

Re: Kennel name left off

On the OP you state the KENNEL NAME issue was addressed in the bitch owners contract. Was it a SALE: PUPPY GOING HOME contract or was it a STUD USE contract? Perhaps your friend was so happy that the stud owner wanted a puppy (which of course is the BITCH OWNERS CHOICE) that the topic of kennel names never came up????
I think she should say something to the stud owner, to clear the "air". If I offended or hurt someones feelings in that manner, I sure would be more than happy to talk with the offended person.
In dog breeding many times as in life, a lack of communication has caused "bad feelings".

Re: Kennel name left off

I had no idea - I assumed NHL was a guy - y'know, National Hockey League. Figured he was a big hockey fan!

Re: Kennel name left off

Nancy Hope Love has been in Labradors for a longggggg time.
She was one of my mentors when I started in Labradors in 1988. I ran into her in a vet hospital I worked in with my first lab, and proudly brought her into the room to show her. She was always very gracious.
Nancy was sitting on some of the nicest Labrador pedigrees in California back then, and my first breeding was to her famous stud dog, Ch. Brookland's Hampshire Bucky in 1990. I had 11 puppies and I think I called her every 10 minutes during the whelping!
And, she was breeding back east way before I came across her. Nancy has a body of knowledge that is more extensive than many of us old-timers put together!
(yes she started when she was 12--that's for you Nancy!)