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Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

I know that IABCA is not popular with some (or many), but just a heads up for those that do show there or were considering it...

IABCA has either lost or given up their UCI license. For those who aren't aware of what that means, UCI (Union Cynologie International e.V.) is the German organization that regulated IABCA's International shows and titles in the US. Whether the license was lost or given up is unclear, but the end effect is the same- IABCA shows are no longer Internationally affiliated in any way, shape, or form.

IABCA has said that it will continue to function as an independant organization and hold shows in the same manner as before. Of course, it is up to the individual whether or not they feel the cost of entry is still worth showing there without the UCI affiliation.

They do have a small blurb on their website homepage about the change, but I know many don't check their website often as they haven't been very good with updates.

For those interested, apparently Kennel Club USA has been granted a UCI license. However, I don't have any other information on that.

Finally, I only ask of those who don't like IABCA, UCI, etc that they kindly not "shoot the messanger". I did not post to start a debate on the value of the involved organizations and/or their titles. I only wanted to give a heads up for those that either have participated or were interested so that they can have the information before they decide whether or not to enter there in future. Thank you!

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

These shows are a waste of time and money. The titles mean nothing.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Breeder 22
These shows are a waste of time and money. The titles mean nothing.

And your enlightened comment added what to the discussion?

I have thought about doing IABCA as something "else" to do with my dogs, but it always seemed rather expensive and conflicted with one of the better UKC shows in the area.

At least I can take that off my radar entirely.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Thank you for posting!

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Breeder 22
These shows are a waste of time and money. The titles mean nothing.

And your enlightened comment added what to the discussion?

The truth.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

"better" UKC shows?
Is there such a thing?

Breeder 22
These shows are a waste of time and money. The titles mean nothing.

And your enlightened comment added what to the discussion?

I have thought about doing IABCA as something "else" to do with my dogs, but it always seemed rather expensive and conflicted with one of the better UKC shows in the area.

At least I can take that off my radar entirely.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

I do believe Darcy was just conveying information she found with others who may not have been aware of the changes.

However I will add, I do not understand why so many folks have issues with people doing things with their dogs if it isn't AKC. I am not one bit ashamed to say I participate in UKC, AKC and a couple of my dogs are also involved in 4-H. A few weeks ago I also handled a dog I bred for the week end at IABCA shows. It is great experience for those involved, and I can tell you in both IABCA and UKC there are a lot of AKC Judges who Judge those venues as well. I am pretty certain if the Judges felt those venues were not worthy, they would not Judge for them. JMHO.

My theory is at least I am doing something with my labradors. There are many dogs out there that are not shown in any venue at all. My pups are happy to be with me or their 4-H kid, doing what makes them happy.

I applaud the folks the take the time to participate with their pups in wheatever you choose to do. YOu pooches are lucky critters.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Unless your breed is not accepted by the AKC the titles in the IABCA and UKC are really useless. Correct, if you want to use these venues as a practice time with your dogs, then be aware that is exactly and all that it is. These titles are not respected by most of the show breeders in the labrador community. The judges take these type of assignments for the money and experience. It is also practice for the judges, but if the AKC called them to judge the same weekend as the IABCA or UKC did, who do you think they would choose?

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

There are a breeders out there using all those fancy UKC titles to fool puppy buyers (and likely themselves) into thinking the dogs they are putting the titles on are really good dogs, when in fact, many can't seem to get more than 1 or 2 points (if that) in AKC events.
Keep on fooling yourselves kids. We all know whose who.

another view
Unless your breed is not accepted by the AKC the titles in the IABCA and UKC are really useless. Correct, if you want to use these venues as a practice time with your dogs, then be aware that is exactly and all that it is. These titles are not respected by most of the show breeders in the labrador community. The judges take these type of assignments for the money and experience. It is also practice for the judges, but if the AKC called them to judge the same weekend as the IABCA or UKC did, who do you think they would choose?

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

You are right on, you go girl. We show AKC, UKC and IABCA. Our dog is a grand champion AKC and UKC and Adult IABCA champion. We met alot of wonderful people at each and everyone of those shows. GO HAVE FUN WITH YOUR LABRADOR!!!!!!!!!

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

I agree with you Sherry. I haven't been to an IABCA show, because there are none in this area, but I don't know why all the put downs, just because these organizations are not AKC, which leaves a lot to be desired in some respects as well. Hopefully I will get to take a puppy to some UKC shows soon.

To note, many of the dogs in the IABCA Gold Cup Standings are AKC CHs of various breeds. Many UKC shown dogs are also AKC Chs. Clearly, many AKC competitors do think these venues are also worth attending.

I don't like it when people try to fool less informed others as to how IABCA or UKC titles are earned versus AKC, but crooks will be crooks even if these two organizations didn't put on shows. I have seen dogs with AKC titles claimed that were not true, should I think less of the AKC, or the people who misuse it?

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

I have been to IABCA shows and one thing I can tell you is that they do not care about what judges they use. I had some knowledgeable judges and some judges that had no idea what a Lab should look like. Do your research about the judges before you pay your expensive entries.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

There are a breeders out there using all those fancy UKC titles to fool puppy buyers (and likely themselves) into thinking the dogs they are putting the titles on are really good dogs, when in fact, many can't seem to get more than 1 or 2 points (if that) in AKC events.
Keep on fooling yourselves kids. We all know whose who.

another view
Unless your breed is not accepted by the AKC the titles in the IABCA and UKC are really useless. Correct, if you want to use these venues as a practice time with your dogs, then be aware that is exactly and all that it is. These titles are not respected by most of the show breeders in the Labrador community. The judges take these type of assignments for the money and experience. It is also practice for the judges, but if the AKC called them to judge the same weekend as the IABCA or UKC did, who do you think they would choose?

First off the statement regarding UKC Labradors being unable to compete in AKC events is not entirely true. We personally have only been breeding for a few years now, so sure we are "kids" not only in age, but in years devoted to the breed We started in UKC to learn the ropes and get 'our feet wet'. For that I am forever grateful. The judges were/are so kind, allow you to take as much time as you need, and mentor you. Now a couple years later we are at the point that we have dogs with UKC champion and grandchampion titles and these same dogs are being recognised in the AKC. Our UKC champion, Rain, just went Best in Sweeps last week at the GPLRC, placed 2nd and 3rd in a large class at Potomac and the month prior was awarded her first AKC 4 point major at a supported entry... all before the age of 15 months. My Chunk is a UKC BISS champion and last week at 11 months old was pulled for winners dog at the GPLRC specialty. Sure we have ways to go to our first 'home grown' AKC champion, but we are getting there. Sherry has a bred by UKC GRCH that is also BOSS AKC champion. Other people that I am friends with and are ULRA members have UKC GRCH that have AKC majors, specialty wins, titles etc. Some UKC dogs cannot win in AKC sure... but isn't that true of any registry world-wide?

UKC is useless to who - you or me? Maybe to you, and that your right and freedom to feel that way. But the UKC is not useless for me. Its a way to get my dogs out, no fancy bells and whistles, no professional handlers, and just HAVE FUN. I just do not understand why "you" (whoever the negative people are) have to care so much where other breeders show their dogs. Every time the UKC or IABCA gets mentioned on this board, "you" remind us how much you dislike the UKC. But then again most of the people I know show both AKC and UKC.

Sure there are the silver breeders and BYB that use UKC, create their own show entries, and put titles on their dogs to sell puppies... but this is in any registry all over, not just UKC. Have enough money to burn to hire the right handler and you can have at minimal a point or two in AKC... or even a champion. Then again, I have learned not to breed to titles.

I do not show in IABCA nor do I intend to, but if people want to show there, whatever floats your boat. Darcy, I am sorry your attempt to share news for the few that use the IABCA turned into a bashing event, as usual.

I am sure this post if falling on deaf ears, but I just had to chime in...

Never been to a UKC show? Try checking it out, you might actually enjoy yourself **GASP** lol

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

So in other words, just like in AKC, some judges know Labs and some don't.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

couldn't have said it better myself...lmbo

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Glad to see Judging is the same across the board, lets not leave out Specialty Judges, some know a Lab some don't! Just go and show where ever you want, to who you want and have fun!!

Why Can't Everyone Just Get Along...
So in other words, just like in AKC, some judges know Labs and some don't.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Too Funny!
Glad to see Judging is the same across the board, lets not leave out Specialty Judges, some know a Lab some don't! Just go and show where ever you want, to who you want and have fun!!

Why Can't Everyone Just Get Along...
So in other words, just like in AKC, some judges know Labs and some don't.

I think you mean it is most all breed judges that don't know what a labrador looks like. Personally, I have watched so many in the ring standing there scratching their heads because they don't know what to do. So they pick the most moderate basic labrador they can find with zero breed type.

Specialty judges are going to give you the best and closest opinion of any judging because they are breeder judges. They know the breed better than any all breed judge who read the standard once or twice and remembers something about what a labrador looks like or maybe that was a pointer? Seems like someone is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of so many.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

>>>>I think you mean it is most all breed judges that don't know what a labrador looks like. Personally, I have watched so many in the ring standing there scratching their heads because they don't know what to do. So they pick the most moderate basic labrador they can find with zero breed type.

Specialty judges are going to give you the best and closest opinion of any judging because they are breeder judges. They know the breed better than any all breed judge who read the standard once or twice and remembers something about what a labrador looks like or maybe that was a pointer? Seems like someone is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of so many.[/quote]<<<<<<

Are you KIDDING!! Nothing like generalizing. I think Breeder judges are just as guilty of bad judging as All Breed judges. I've seen some dogs win at Specialties that can barely Walk around the ring, let alone trot around the ring without passing out because they're too fat. I've seen Breeder judges put up Limping, Lame dogs that should be excused, not awarded. And yes, there is good and bad judging at All breed shows, but neither one is better or worse. The bigger problem is the Huge division in the Labradors. If there are 12 different personal interpretations of what the standard is, it ends up having that many more types in the ring, so of course the judges are scratching their heads. A ring full of labs (specialty And All breed) and no one labrador looks anything like the next one.

At least the people showing at the international, ukc, akc, and ckc are out doing something with their dogs. How many "I only show to the breeder judges at Specialties" have dogs sitting in kennels doing nothing! To each his own, but this generalizing needs to stop

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

If you think that specialties only come around once a year, you need to update yourself. If you want to spend your money in the small time then knock yourself out. Maybe your dogs are not good enough quality to win under a breeder judge at a specialty. Like you said to each their own. I would much rather get a valid opinion from a breeder judge then an opinion from a judge who been breeding Terriers.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Sorry to disappoint you but i actually do have some specialty winners that i bred. But there are judges all breed and breeder judges that their opinion is worth it and others are not worth showing to in my own backyard. Just because they are a breeder judge doesn't make them superior. They are just as likely to face judge as an all breed judge is to handler judge. But if a breeder judge puts up a Huge overdone rotweiller head too much coat...people jump on the bandwagon to breed that because its wins..not because it's correct. And then we get farther and farther away from a sporting dog and more kegs on blocks cause a breeder judge deemed that type worthy.

Re: Heads up! IABCA No Longer UCI Affiliated

Sorry to disappoint you but i actually do have some specialty winners that i bred. But there are judges all breed and breeder judges that their opinion is worth it and others are not worth showing to in my own backyard. Just because they are a breeder judge doesn't make them superior. They are just as likely to face judge as an all breed judge is to handler judge. But if a breeder judge puts up a Huge overdone rotweiller head too much coat...people jump on the bandwagon to breed that because its wins..not because it's correct. And then we get farther and farther away from a sporting dog and more kegs on blocks cause a breeder judge deemed that type worthy.

Truth well spoken.